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Who Will Be The New Chief Minister?

Albert Tatlock

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I have to say that I believe Alan Bell to be the best man to pull everyone together and a good, experienced chap!

He also seems to be quite presentable, which is something severely lacking in most of our politicians!

Remember, the man at the top must create a good 1st impression when meeting people from other parts of the world, and again, some of the names being bandied about make me cringe!

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I think Allan Bell's choice of lifestyle is the reason he won't become CM.


Personally I believe that shouldn't have anything to do with whether he is chosen. At the end of the day it should be best man or woman for the job who gets it.

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And while I'm on.


Tony Brown fits the bill if you look at the recent CM's, Walker, Gelling, Corkill (who was doing alright until youknowwhat). In recent times the Treasury Minister has been the man who stepped into the CM role but as I've already hinted Bell has probably reached his peak. Shame but you know the score.


The time isn't right for Shimmin. A couple of more terms maybe and remember, he came a good second to Corkish in the election. Despite his lack of political experience Corkish definitely fits the bill as a CM in waiting. Only time will tell


As for Brown I thought he was a very good Speaker of HoK and seems the logical choice for CM.


Rodan I think has his heart in the right place but he appears to sometime miss the bigger picture re his handling of Health issues i.e stable door and horses bolting.


Really he/she who got the most votes in the General Election should get the post ...I wonder who that was.


Screw it, give Christian the job, her old man wielded power for long enough and despite not being wanted by the public she always seems to get a big role within Goverment - she's the sort of person we deserve

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. . . . Corkill (who was doing alright until youknowwhat).


Not really.


Not according to one senior politician who gave a talk to the PAG. There were one or two matters floating about politically that weren't looking too good. It was explained that he probably would have ended up resigning even if the Ballacain thing hadn't happened. :(

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I have to say that I believe Alan Bell to be the best man to pull everyone together and a good, experienced chap!

He also seems to be quite presentable, which is something severely lacking in most of our politicians!

Remember, the man at the top must create a good 1st impression when meeting people from other parts of the world, and again, some of the names being bandied about make me cringe!




What planet are you on??


- I mean the 'Don' is very presentable & photogenic, but you wouldn't really trust him to look after anything more valuable than a Massey Ferguson would you???


Don't forget good 'ole Bell was upto his eyaballs in Mt Murray, and even got censured because of it (that's pretty serious) - certainly something I wouldn't want to 'represent' the Isle of Man.


He might be a very 'experienced chap' as you say. but IMHO not the sort of experiences you would want the IOM to be represented by - well certainly not me anyway!

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I think Allan Bell's choice of lifestyle is the reason he won't become CM.


You mean he's a gypsy? I'd never have guessed.


Damn, of course, that explains everything. The wooden caravan in the Treasury car park, the string of rabbits hanging alongside. the toad dressed as a washerwoman, the violin, wooden pegs instead of paper clips.


We should have guessed.


I've got a wart he can have for five bob.

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Don't forget good 'ole Bell was upto his eyaballs in Mt Murray, and even got censured because of it (that's pretty serious) - certainly something I wouldn't want to 'represent' the Isle of Man.


The censure shouldn't have ruled him out of the top job. If I recall correctly it was for putting pressure on civil servants to push through the Mount Murray scheme (at a time when this was seen as very important for the Island). He overstepped the mark, but was relatively inexperienced at the time, I think had he accepted the findings with good grace and used it as a learning point it wouldn't have ruled him out. Unfortunately, he didn't.

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Don't forget good 'ole Bell was upto his eyaballs in Mt Murray, and even got censured because of it (that's pretty serious) - certainly something I wouldn't want to 'represent' the Isle of Man.


The censure shouldn't have ruled him out of the top job. If I recall correctly it was for putting pressure on civil servants to push through the Mount Murray scheme (at a time when this was seen as very important for the Island). He overstepped the mark, but was relatively inexperienced at the time, I think had he accepted the findings with good grace and used it as a learning point it wouldn't have ruled him out. Unfortunately, he didn't.


And who was DLGE minister during the whole thing? And should have been watching out for people being a bit naughty pushing things through planning? Ah, Tony Brown.

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