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Who Will Be The New Chief Minister?

Albert Tatlock

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As I have stated before new MLC's names should be at least scrutinised by the public. A publically voted Legco will take time but certainly this lobbying by former MHK's should be more open and others should be able to do it as well without cloak and dagger stuff being the mechanism.

Perhaps a start could be that people could be nominated by, say, 12 people - a bit like what is required prior to entering an election (was in the UK not looked into the rules too closely on the IOM).

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Your idea of nominations has merit. However I would suggest a much larger number than 12 to stop frivolous applications and wasting MHK's time possibly 100? Whatever number it is will be criticised so only trial and error will settle it.


Much easier of course if you already have the contact and an MHK owes you a favour or he/she wants a favour to have a quiet word here and there. The odds of being elected must be very good. After all it's not costing you anything. Much better and more cost effective than having to spend 6 months kissing babies and spending £5k with all the risk and onerous work involved of going from house to house not to mention being grilled by the media and getting discussed on ManxForums. Very unpleasant!


How much collectively did those not elected spend? They must be counting the cost and so must their partners for allowing them to get involved. I bet there have been some scenes after the election. Was it 30 candidates who were rejected? All advocating open transparent accountable government. Was it worth it?

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For me it was definately worth it


And im doing it all again for Onchan Commisioners right now


I'll be there again in five years time (or 18 months if Adrian Earnshaw gets lifted to Leg Co)


I hope all the other candidates thought it was worth it too, you cant really put a price on that sort of mental and physical experience, especially at my age!

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For me it was definately worth it


And im doing it all again for Onchan Commisioners right now


I'll be there again in five years time (or 18 months if Adrian Earnshaw gets lifted to Leg Co)


I hope all the other candidates thought it was worth it too, you cant really put a price on that sort of mental and physical experience, especially at my age!



Good for you. Certainly when you are young it is very worthwhile experience. It's only money. Plenty more where that came from. You have your whole life in front of you.


However all those nearly retired or retired will very likely take a different view. I can think of several who were absolutely choked. I have seen in the past grown men totally break down at the count.

Their hopes for the future having been completely destroyed.

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But that is not the basis on which you would vote someone in, surely? Perhaps the reason the retired or nearly retired lost, was because they didn't offer what the electorate wanted?


I understand what you say Charles, but standing is a personal choice and with all gambling, don't bet more than you can lose.

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But that is not the basis on which you would vote someone in, surely? Perhaps the reason the retired or nearly retired lost, was because they didn't offer what the electorate wanted?


I understand what you say Charles, but standing is a personal choice and with all gambling, don't bet more than you can lose.



Quite right. Our household policy was not to vote for anyone who was retired and we didn't.

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I just think we should recheck the figures, you know, lies.damned lies and statistics

We spend 128 million on health care, 40 million on GP amd primary services and 68 million on the hospitals. 28 million comes from NI, not tax. Total spend is thus net 100 million.


Governemnt income (excluding NI) is 550 million. I make that a spend on hospital services as 12% and on GP services 8 %


For Social Services the spend is 46 million


For social security the spend is 185 million of which 128 million is NI funded and the balance funded out of taxation


Yes total DHSS gross spend is £380 million but net after NI and other income it is £200 million. That is 40% of Government income


Tax at 150 million and Vat at nearly 400 million give an income of 550 million, but with NI, and all sorts oif other incomes from all sorts of fees, duties etc total income is over 770 million.


Health in total is £128 million or about 17% Hospital health care is 80 million so about 11%


I just want to know where the scare figures come from that hospital care is costing 340 million or even hospitals and GP's combined are costing 340 million. It doesn't and we are not spending 67 % of national income on DHSS including pensions we are spending 50% and have a large invested fund, currently going up in value


I am not saying be profligate, I do support a close examination of how the money is spent but are things really that bad, and does dsitorting the figures do any of us any good


Figures all from 2006/7 budget estimates



Now, now don't go giving all the Daily Mail/Telegraph devotees facts, it only confuses them. Basically they're stupid, greedy and did I mention stupid?

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Well it looks like the viewers of iomonline are unimpressed with all the candidates ... non of the above won their straw poll with 41 per cent, or 2,259 votes.


Of the candidates: it was


Cannan 37 per cent

Shimmin 12 per cent

Rhodan 8 per cent


This seems quite different from the opinion on here: although there is discontent; few have offered up alternative candidates, and I don't think many people have seen Cannan as a realistic candidate.


So who's out of touch ... us or them!!!

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