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Who Will Be The New Chief Minister?

Albert Tatlock

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Well it was quite a day in Tynwald today.


Messrs Karran and Malarkey looking indeed resplendent in their wide yellow ties sporting quite a nifty motif. I wasn't quite sure if the trend would catch on or if there were any of the others fancied their chances of wearing one. One thing is for sure though, none of them would dare take the mickey. Peter has got back-up now.


He always could handle himself anyway could Peter, and I have always said that it is a foolish politician that tries to pull down Mr Karran, such is his support from the general electorate throughout the Island. Maybe there are one or two newly ex-MHKs staring up at the full moon tonight wondering what they did wrong. Perhaps they dared to suggest in public that Peter Karran was not as erudite as they were.


The nearest to a ribbing came when Peter went over for a quiet word with Bill Malarkey. "Stand-up Bill" quipped Adrian Earnshaw, as a sergeant may advise a new recruit who was being approached by a senior officer. But the joke fell on stern and stoney ground. See previous paragraph.


When the results of the first ballot were handed to the President of Tynwald (are we supposed to call him Mr President?) he was understandably not happy. When the results were announced the only person to crack a smile was Mr Speaker......


The rest of the meeting became rather predictable after that.


I noticed the new chap for Rushen could do with polishing his shoes though. I know he walks/cycles/uses the bus, but there is no excuse to turn up on your first or second day in the House of Keys with shoes needing a polish. Obviously not in the Rushen Scouts as a young fella.


Geoff Corkish was taking all this in his stride. He's sang songs in front of thousands of people on the stage in the Villa Marina loads of times. This was nothing to him. I liked the way he opened up his new desk to take a peek inside though - like a new boy at school wondering what the last incumbent had left behind.


You know how in Westminster when it is on the telly, one or two of the MPs are all slouched and chatting and a bit relaxed sort of thing? Well the MHKs are a bit like that some of them.


But the MLCs are very different. They enter Tynwald chamber en masse and sit quietly down, upright. They are generally more senior in years and experience. They look down at the rabble sometimes. Like caring parents looking at their teenage children - sometimes you have to let them get on with it don't you. Besides, they were there once themselves you see, so they can't really complain. Watching them in the pit so to speak - chatting and slouching and yawning and nodding to their pals and sending notes over and ordering the attendants to get some lemonade.


So this is the exciting time - the General Election, voting for CM and his choosing the ministers, it surely must all go down hill from here.


Although of course we've got three MLCs to find over the next few weeks too. That should be fun too.

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Two words.


Eddie Teare



You are kidding aren't you? Eddie Teare is just the latest in a long line of "growth, growth and more growth" merchants. If you want a rehash of old worn out policies, encourage tax dodgers, build, build and more build and idiot, nonsensical conservative policies. The corporate lick arse Eddie Teare is your man. Eddie Teare's main interest is Eddie Teare.


Still it is oft' recounted that we get the politicians we deserve, maybe we deserve Eddie Teare - The Milkman Mk2

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With the number of spoilt ballots being equal to the number of votes cast for the leading candidate,I suppose if the leading candidate became CM it might be difficult for him to command much respect.


Apparently spoiling the paper is against standing orders. But what about not voting at all? does that mean "none of the above"? or is that counted as a vote for the leading candidate? Otherwise why spoil the paper? :unsure:

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Thank you Addie for your remark. I'd never heard of him but a few minutes of googling brought me up to speed. He seems a good enough bloke.


Back to the Chief Minister thing, I did wonder what the Chief Executive of the Tourist and Leisure Department was doing in Tynwald. It can only be that she had a creative idea to allow our flailing Tourist Industry to embrace a dose of Tynwald. Sort of wheel people into the public galleries to see first hand how our lot perform, in the oldest continuous parliament in the world ever.


I say all this because during my observations I noticed the Minister for Tourism frantically using his mobile phone to do some txting. I put two and two together and assumed that Ms Glover and DC, despite he in the House and she in the VIP gallery, were not incommunicado.


I also wondered where were all the other Chief Execs?


And why wasn't this particular Departmental Chief Executive in that other Public Gallery when the Department was being lambasted in the Courts during the Corkill trial?


I felt for Donald Gelling. He was sat there on the top bench and I feel sure he just wants to properly retire now. Dig some spuds in the back patch there and enjoy life with his family. After all, he was ready to do that when he handed over the reigns to Richard, wasn't he?


Donald is, after all, now only a caretaker Chief Minister. His work has been admirable.


Perhaps we can persuade him to stay on, like some backwater Russian State President. Allow him to continue until he is at least 95 years of age and only wheeling him out on Tynwald day. Which would have to be altered to allow him to take his position on The Hill well before the proceedings, with the rest of them traipsing up later on to join him. Waving and smiling to the thronging crowds below.


Whatever happens regarding the Chief Minister, other than the surely impossible status quo, we will be getting at the very least a fourth rate political leader. First, second and third choice have been and gone on Tuesday mate.

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With the number of spoilt ballots being equal to the number of votes cast for the leading candidate,I suppose if the leading candidate became CM it might be difficult for him to command much respect.


Apparently spoiling the paper is against standing orders. But what about not voting at all? does that mean "none of the above"? or is that counted as a vote for the leading candidate? Otherwise why spoil the paper? :unsure:

Secret ballots allow economies with the truth (Glad you're in, always knew you'd make it, glad I stuck with you, etc.,etc.!) after the results are known, so long as you voted of course.


Don't know what the reason might be here though.

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