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Richard Corkill For Mlc


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A man who 'has no idea that his wife is applying for a government grant to enhance their own property' and can't be bothered to check the legalities? Oh! and happens to be Chief Minister at the time??

How arrogant, and how stupid does he think we are??


That says it all for me.

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People are being far too cynical here.


Why can't we all just accept that the police, the lawyers, the manx court system, the DTL, and all the witnesses have simply had it in for this poor lady.


You should all be ashamed.

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So there's the six former MHK's -


Rimmington, Hannan, and the Captain, have just been removed at the polls, would be hard for them to come back so soon. Rimmington would probably be the best MLC of all I'm going to mention, and I don't think there'd be a great outcry from those who voted elsewhere in Rushen, but he was beaten heavily.


Duggan, Delaney, and Corkill. I suppose it could be argued that these guys ducked out of the chance to stand, so should they be allowed in through the back door. However, the two D's are elder statesman nearing the end of their political careers. Isn't this what the Legco is for? So they could be considered (although they're not going to ask Dom after last time are they? Although maybe the by-election has given the pause to thought) Ned's beyond the pale for obvious reasons.


How about Singer? Experienced politician, polled well against two sitting members, got more votes than many of those elected!


Rimington would be a good choice. Likewise Hannan. It will not sit well with the public, but there is an argument that at least they have 'been there' and have at least faced the electorate.


Prior to becoming an MHK, Andrew Douglas had been nominated previously for MLC by John Shimmin. He was unsuccessful. The argument for him was that he had at least faced the electorate before (but didn't win that time). And he's a captain, sort of.


Dominic Delaney and Adrian Duggan have retired. Full stop.


The argument for putting Leonard Singer back is as good as any other.

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MHKS have received two inflation-busting pay rises in just five weeks.

It takes the basic salary to £34,152, from £31,651. Members of Tynwald are also entitled to expenses worth £5,790.


MHKs and MLCs serving on government departments will take home £50,188, while ministers will receive £57,018, more than £4,000 extra.


Last year's earnings survey revealed the average annual wage was just £25,428, and half of all full-time workers earned less than £21,736.


In early March it was agreed to hand members a salary increase worth 4 per cent, backdated to August 1.


Another boost, worth 3.75 per cent, was applied in April 1.


Both figures are above the 3.2 per cent February inflation rate, the most up-to-date figures available from Treasury.


The changes take the chief minister's salary to more than £67,000, members of the Treasury will receive £53,600 and chairman of statutory boards £3,415 on top of the basic salary and expenses.


Members serving on government departments are allowed £10,246 on top of their salaries, although they only receive one payment regardless of how many departments they serve on.


The increases were automatically applied when the long-running civil service pay deal reached a conclusion at the start of March.


After months of wrangles between the Government Officers' Association and Civil Service Commission, thousands of staff accepted a deal in a union ballot in late February.


Under the Tynwald members pay agreement, which links wage increases to civil service terms and conditions, the same percentage rises were handed to MHKs and MLCs.


The pay award has come under fire from long-serving Tynwald member and former House of Keys speaker Victor Kneale.


'How do they justify this? They don't even try,' he said. 'They just thumb their noses at the public, take the money and keep their heads down below the parapet.


'Such abuse of a privileged position is unforgivable.'


I cant see anything exorbitant in the figures you have cited. To be honest I think they are fairy modest as salaries go and may go some way towards explaining why such low calibre candidates come forward at election time.

What is the problem ?

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Rimington would be a good choice. Likewise Hannan. It will not sit well with the public, but there is an argument that at least they have 'been there' and have at least faced the electorate.


Thing is I don't think there'd be that much of a public outcry against Rimington from the South. I get the impression that he lost because people voted for the others, rather than against him.

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The argument for putting Leonard Singer back is as good as any other.


As any other for what?


His argument for standing down was that he could be more effective as an MHK, accepting an immediate boost back up would be wrong.


On the basis that somebody voluntarily stood down, that should disbar you from being allowed back in again so soon. It would be rewarding failure.

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Well change the name as well to the "Manx Legislative Cowards"


Sort of sums them up.


But then again Julie and Dicky have to find the money for the trial from somewhere it may aswell be from us than their pocket.


This is like salt in the wounds :o

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I would suggest that our MHKs should check the democratic credentials of anyone they vote for in the MLC election. Quite simply, it's a wonderful opportunity to put two 'moles' in place - who will help to bring about the necessary changes in the way Legco is formed.

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If he had stood people would have complained that he had no chance of being elected and was only standing to recive the "pay off" that MHK's get when they loose their seat in an election. It is I believe a few months salary.


He did not really then have a lot of choice. Either be called a "coward" for not standing or labelled "greedy" if he did with little chance of regaining his seat.


Either way he would have castigated.




Well change the name as well to the "Manx Legislative Cowards"


Sort of sums them up.


But then again Julie and Dicky have to find the money for the trial from somewhere it may aswell be from us than their pocket.


This is like salt in the wounds :o

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