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Minority Report - For Real...


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Minority Report plan to stop future crimes


LONDON: Criminal profilers in Britain are drawing up a list of the 100 most dangerous murderers and rapists of the future even before they commit such crimes.


The highly controversial database will be used by police and other agencies to target suspects before they can carry out a serious offence. Pilot projects to identify the highest-risk future offenders have been operating in five London boroughs for the past two months.


Child murderer Ian Huntley and British serial rapist Richard Baker have been used as examples of the type of man police will identify.


However, the database will increase concerns at the growth of official surveillance and anxieties that innocent men are being singled out for offences they have no intention of committing.


Experts from the Metropolitan Police's Homicide Prevention Unit are creating psychological profiles of likely offenders to predict patterns of criminal behaviour.


Statements from former partners, information from mental health workers and details of past complaints are being combined to identify the men considered most likely to commit serious violent crimes.


The list will draw comparisons with the Hollywood film Minority Report, in which suspects are locked up before they can commit a predicted crime.... Full Article


Scary... :o

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The story appeared in the papers on Monday. Also on monday the Gaurdian ran this story:




Apparently 'Britain's' senior Muslim senior police officer wants to ban 'middle England' demonstrations.


Yesterday the BBC's 'Law in Action' programme ran a story on how Sharia law is taking hold. This is even to the extent that some police forces are 'happy' to hand over some crimes to the local Muslim community for sorting out:




You can see the way it is going can't you? Islam is working away at predjudice and fear and fear to increase it's influence and control over British life.


The day will come when people who want to demonstrate for the preservation of the British Christian state will be targeted by police using 'profiling'. Christains speaking out against Islam might even face penalties by local Muslim councils.


Sound far fetched? Watch this space.

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You can see the way it is going can't you? Islam is working away at predjudice and fear and fear to increase it's influence and control over British life.

The day will come when people who want to demonstrate for the preservation of the British Christian state will be targeted by police using 'profiling'. Christains speaking out against Islam might even face penalties by local Muslim councils.

Sound far fetched? Watch this space.


Neither of the links you posted would lead a reasonable person to your conclusions.

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Neither of the links you posted would lead a reasonable person to your conclusions.


I quite agree. Reasonable people don't think this way. However, the radical Imams who preach in the UK are not reasonable and by all accounts look at every opportunity to exploit weakeness's in our culture.


It shocked me to hear a Muslim, speaking on the BBC Law in Action programme, saying that he expected non muslims to use, and abide by, sharia law.


If I had postulated that idea a few years ago you might have said I was truly bonkers.


What next?


Incoming! Take Cover!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I opened this thread hoping it was a report on your recent unsuccessful sojourn into the murky world of local politics.

When are you going to give us the goss about running a campaign on a shoestring and all the goings on?

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