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Russian Spies


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1 minute ago, La Colombe said:

Here's a Russian's pies. 


Is that - Here are some Russian pies or here is a Russian pie? Not that it matters as they are mini pasties anyway...

Kulebyaka Russian Pie


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2 hours ago, Chinahand said:

What is your point Woody? The UK gets about 15% of its gas from Russia. 

Does it matter if there is a chain of buyers and sellers along the way?

Why are you nit picking?  It is the source which matters not the final seller, surely?

nobody knows how much comes from russia,,,,

but the uk buys none direct...

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

Actually that’s not true. This winter, and last, LNG was shipped in, direct from Russia, when UK stocks were dangerously low (UK has got rid of substantial storage capacity ). Bought from Russia, shipped from Russia, no middle men or countries en route.

As I observed above, always a tiny kernel of something in a woody2 fake fact, but it’s so wrapped up in distortion, spin,  misdirection, smoke and mirrors, to try and prove the exact opposite for his own perverse propaganda ends, and when caught out, as he usually is, he changes one or two words and pretends he meant something else entirely and that we’ve all misunderstood him.

So W2, lets get it right, it’s from the Yamal Gas field in Siberia, operated by Novatek ( which has French and Chinese partners, but is controlled by long time Putin ally Gennady Timchenko ). I accept the LNG was sold by the Russians to Petronas of Malaysia, who sold it on, but it was shipped in, and delivered from a russian owned and operated ice breaker class LNG tanker Eduard Toll.

The involvement of the French ( Total ) and Chinese in Novatek doesn’t make the Gas French or Chinese, nor does the involvement of Petronas make it Malay. It’s Russian Gas, from Russian Gas fields, shipped in Russian tankers, whatever way the money goes round.

Theres a world market in LNG and Petronas have a trading/brokerage arm in London.

Yamal only started to deliver Gas in December 2017. Huge irony is that a remote Siberian Gas field, until then only a domestic supplier, now, due to global warming ( however caused ), can now send it in boats via the Northern Passage.


1 hour ago, x-in-man said:

It was also personal seen by Vlad loading, and waved away by Vlad as it left the terminal. One could assume waving a cheery bon voyage to its contents .. LNG and other.

am guessing you are talking about the ship that was never heading for the uk, then docked in the uk but was refused and set sail without been unloaded.....

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Woody, you are talking pants.


While Europe as a whole gets more than a third of its gas from Russia, that share is lower in the U.K., which receives the bulk of its fuel from North Sea fields and Norway. Still, Moscow-based Gazprom PJSC was the second-biggest supplier to major industrial consumers in the U.K. last year, according to Britain’s energy regulator Ofgem. ...

Russia’s Gazprom, which holds a monopoly on gas exports by pipeline, sold fuel to the U.K. worth $2.85 billion last year, according to data provided by the press office of Russia’s customs service. 



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8 minutes ago, woody2 said:


am guessing you are talking about the ship that was never heading for the uk, then docked in the uk but was refused and set sail without been unloaded.....


well, it was heading here, and docked at least. Maybe it was just picking up a copy of Readers Wives for the long trip ahead.

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