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3 hours ago, Barrie Stevens said:

On the BBC Radio 4 "Today" programme the other day they interviewed someone who knew about gas. The UK buys it ie traders in the City punt it about and it is then often multiple bought and sold and never gets to the UK. A tiny bit has been imported from Russia. The main point they said was that large swathes of the EU take a lot of Russian gas and the UK imports some of this from Europe.



nearly correct....

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4 hours ago, quilp said:

So here we have a medical professional, first on the scene and applying emergency procedures to her patient, without the hazmat suit and breathing apparatus, in full physical contact with the victim for nearly half an hour with the possibility of being exposed to bodily fluids and exhalations from the patient. Given the precautionary measures taken by forensics and security personnel, it does pose the question of why this doctor wasn't struck down by this highly dangerous 'nerve-agent.' Was it just luck? Considering the plight of the police officer, who had much less physical contact, if any at all, who subsequently it is said, ended up in intensive care and seriously ill. This doctor's experience does seem anomalous compared to the cop. As pongo and others rightly pointed out, conspiracy-theorists would have a field day around this, but is there any wonder given inconsistencies in reporting and delivery of the circumstances surrounding the incident?

The BBC's erstwhile security correspondent, Gordon Corera, in his report, never mentions this first-on-the-scene doctor and scanning through the subsequent reportage I can find no further mention of her story nor how, after a fortnight, how she has faired since.



I genuinely don't know what to make of what you are saying Quilp - what are you trying to infer from this?  Prior to people realising there was a danger people didn't take precautions against any danger - surprise surprise.  Afterwards they did - shock horror.  The risk might have been miniscule - but are you surprised in this health and safety, risk assessment bureucracy world we live in that when someone is asked to go and do clear up they will wear all the gear.  

The authorities will have their procedures and they will follow them - if there is a risk from a nerve agent what do you expect the clear-up crew to wear?

Journalists report news - doctor isn't unwell isn't news - do you for one moment think it wouldn't be on the front pages if she was?  Trying to make something out of her requesting privacy and the lack of follow-up reporting is tenuous at best, clutching at straws at worst.

This sort of searching for anomalies in reporting leaves me cold, reporting is always full of anomalies - you can't expect a complete picture from something produced to a deadline in a rolling news environment.

I get left with a series of questions which I find are close to paranoia - do you think this report was fake, or planted for what reason?  Do you think there was no risk and so no poisoning? And somehow the grand conspiracy messed up by letting this evidence that it was fake leak out by mistake? Do you think that because a doctor didn't get ill while a policeman did this shows a serious inconsistency which allows you to doubt what happened- especially when you know very little of the details about what these people did and how the victims were poisoned (maybe the policeman searched their belongings and found the poison, while the doctor didn't)?  What about the ambulance people, the people in the ER etc etc.  Do want to draw any conspiratorial conclusions from them not getting ill?

I very much doubt there will ever be a news report or official enquiry which will satisfy you if you are going to attempt to build a case for a conspiracy from such thin broth.

Was the request for people who'd been in the pub to wash their clothes and belongings fake too?  The risk is reported to be very low, but in this health and safety world very few officials are going to just go, nah don't bother telling people are they?!



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@Chinahand Maybe see that post as a non-serious almost light-hearted observation in light of all the efforts being made to contain/deal with the situation, all precaution should be taken now we're advised whoever (Russia) carried out this apparent hit used a "deadly nerve-agent." Of course! 

I was comparing the doc's experience with the copper, and those who have subsequently been to hospital whether symptomatic or just to be sure, and in a moment of mental idleness, pondered the efficacy, or deadliness, of the "deadly nerve-agent." The doc was lucky, obviously. Shame about the copper (and anyone else affected but of they we apparently have heard little in the way of any injury, treatment...) but he's vastly improved. And with any luck so will the victims.

Not unexpectedly, the conspiracy theorists and 'sensationalist' media outlets quickly shone on light on the close vicinity of MOD's Porton Down laboratory and the secret service training camp 30 miles up the motorway,  there have been murmurings from other, independent observers about what some have come to describe as premature and unfounded UK government press statements; the only one showing the sensible approach to those seems to be Jeremy-fucking-Corbyn! 'Show us the evidence,' he's asking. Quite rightly too. Matters not, his opposition-contrarianism, he is saying it because there's a lot of unproven spin being, er, spun, and certain incriminations not checked and verified before all the shouting and pointing at specifically Putin and his regime. The sensibility of Corbyn's comments immediately countered in the media by inference to his 'connections'.

It's a bit unsettling though, that this nation and now its traditional European 'allies' seem to've accepted our governments 'logistical-certainty' angle and joined the baying crowd without critique.

Would it not be in everyone's best interests to allow the OPCW, Russia and some other independent nation access to the samples that have been taken and results compared? Maybe it will happen in time. Or the full story may never be known...

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Corbyn is a eurosceptic traitor. This isn’t like Iraq. Blair put pressure on the intelligence agencies over months to come up with justification for pre-emptive strikes - with Salisbury the intelligence agencies are giving their view on an attack that has actually happened. Blair wanted to attack a country the US president had decided was evil, with Salisbury an internationally isolated May is condemning the guy that did as much as anyone to get the US president elected. 

Corbyn is well mannered and sticks to his guns, but he’s a dangerous, vitamin b12 deficient, socialist control freak. His economic ideas would be almost as damaging as Brexit and he would happily break up both the EU the U.K. and re-write the final chapter of the Cold War. Conspiracy theorists think he’s great though. 


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4 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Corbyn is a eurosceptic traitor. This isn’t like Iraq. Blair put pressure on the intelligence agencies over months to come up with justification for pre-emptive strikes - with Salisbury the intelligence agencies are giving their view on an attack that has actually happened. Blair wanted to attack a country the US president had decided was evil, with Salisbury an internationally isolated May is condemning the guy that did as much as anyone to get the US president elected. 

Corbyn is well mannered and sticks to his guns, but he’s a dangerous, vitamin b12 deficient, socialist control freak. His economic ideas would be almost as damaging as Brexit and he would happily break up both the EU the U.K. and re-write the final chapter of the Cold War. Conspiracy theorists think he’s great though. 


thats you that is.......

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