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Russian Spies


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7 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Of all the British establishment links to Russia, strange the British media focus on Corbyn’s hat!

And almost completely skirt around the £800,000 donated by Russian Oligarchs (who strangely enough are anti Putin).

Isn't it also strange how much high value real estate and property is being bought in London by Russian Oligarchs....

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9 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

And almost completely skirt around the £800,000 donated by Russian Oligarchs (who strangely enough are anti Putin).

Isn't it also strange how much high value real estate and property is being bought in London by Russian Oligarchs....

is it because they are jewish you highlight this......

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So rather than inviting him home then quietly "offing" him the keystone cops that masqerade themselves as the fsb decided it was probably a better idea to kill him with russian nerve agent, inviting the scorn of the world and turning themselves into a pariah state just before the world cup. Seems plausible. Good move.


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Only the english could get over rowdy and out of hand on a trip to amsterdam. That's alcohol for you, the only pity is these cowardly fuckwits won't have the balls to make the russia trip so as a result it will probably be the decent english fans that take the kicking for them.


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