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Russian Spies


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57 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

Guzzi, it could be the Ukrainians, but government also has access to intelligence.

Who knows what telephone calls and emails have been monitored and conversations over heard. 

Boris isn’t the person doing the intelligence analysis, but I admit he is the person reading and interpreting it politically, but do you really find the UK approach so reckless?

I have an open mind. The answer Boris gives to DW is intentionally deceptive in my view,  failing to say exactly what it was that Porton Down had assured him was correct. He leaves us to infer that it pinned down Russia as the source, whereas Porton Down now disputes this.

Given that it took 10 years to provide an evidence trail leading to the Litvinenko perpetrators, it seems very early to be able to say that there is any more than circumstantial evidence implicating Russia.  After Iraq and WMD, I would hope that any intelligence implicating Russia had been well and truly substantiated before it was treated as if it were true.

The sense I get is that we are at a 'on the balance of probabilities'  level of proof, not a 'beyond reasonable doubt' level.  

Boris is both a symptom and a symbol of much that is wrong with Britain, having ascended to his position because of class, school and Bullingdon club mates rather than intellect and experience.

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Times like this you need proper statesmen in key positions, to push back when everyone else is losing their marbles. We have Johnson and Williamson. Absolute pygmies. Of course at the end of the day if the power behind politicians wants to take a certain approach then it'll happen but we could at least attempt to look half competent to the world.

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Not sure what your point is here Stinky ?

Corbyn showed poor judgement again today by jumping on this. He could've left it at least 24 hours to appear more considered but he just can't help himself. In coming out straight away he's only reinforcing his image of being soft on Putin. I seriously question his judgement across the board and time and again he seems incapable of political navigation and judgement. It seems he can only operate at an ideological level and if he can't up his game he's got no chance.

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The UK Government has tried to make the statement Nerve Agent was Novochok to be logically synonymous with Nerve Agent was Made in Russia.

This isn't logic, though it may be reasonable.  The looking glass world of espionage and conspiracy thinks it is reasonable to assume the UK, Sweden, or Ukraine are just as likely sources as Russia. We will most likely never know. 

Corbyn cut his teeth on not trusting the UK establishment, and after dodgy dossiers etc thinks there is political capital in undercutting Boris and accusing him of distorting and misleading what the boffins at Porton Down told him.  To be frank SMUJ I think he may be right in that - there are enough momentum supporters who'll sing Jeremy's praises for socking the intelligence community and Boris one ... and that is the only constituency Corbyn is interested in.

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Bojo: "It was definitely the Russians."

The RW Media: "Bojo says it was definitely the Russians"

Corbyn: "Excuse me, but do we have any evidence?"

The RW Media: "Corbyn is a Commie Red Devil traitor"

Porten Down: "Yeah, we don't know its Russia at all.  We have no evidence to that end"

Me: "So Bojo lied and possibly PD lied and we may have started an international disagreement with a powerful foreign power over a lie (hmmm sounds familiar)?"

Bojo & The RW Media: "erm......CORBYN!!!!!!!"

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33 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Bojo: "It was definitely the Russians."

The RW Media: "Bojo says it was definitely the Russians"

Corbyn: "Excuse me, but do we have any evidence?"

The RW Media: "Corbyn is a Commie Red Devil traitor"

Porten Down: "Yeah, we don't know its Russia at all.  We have no evidence to that end"

Me: "So Bojo lied and possibly PD lied and we may have started an international disagreement with a powerful foreign power over a lie (hmmm sounds familiar)?"

Bojo & The RW Media: "erm......CORBYN!!!!!!!"


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17 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

It's quite bizarre that corbyn still ends up copping the flak over this. 

nope- its more bizarre the hard left going after bojo, one clear reason why bojo must remain in office.....

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Corbyn's not copping any real flak here; it's his timing and effectiveness that's out. He's popped his cork too early before any real counter evidence has emerged, and once again created the impression that he's more persuaded by the Russians than by Britain's security services and the Government . 

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15 hours ago, Shake me up Judy said:

...Britain's security services and the Government . 

You mean the ones that have thus far provided no evidence and lied about having said evidence, yet have started a course of action that is now spreading to several other nations?  A course of action that could have serious repercussions.

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28 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

You mean the ones that have thus far provided no evidence and lied about having said evidence, yet have started a course of action that is now spreading to several other nations?  A course of action that could have serious repercussions.

That magic word. If nothing else it has caused Putin a few problems. That's not a bad thing

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