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LONDON (Reuters) - The niece of poisoned former Russian spy Sergei Skripal has been denied a visa to come to Britain, the UK Home Office (interior ministry) said on Friday.

Viktoria Skripal had planned to travel to Britain to take Sergei’s daughter Yulia back to Russia.

Sergei and Yulia are being treated in an English hospital after being found unconscious on March 4 after an attack with nerve agent, but both are recovering and are no longer in critical condition.

“We have refused a visitor visa application from Viktoria Skripal on the grounds that her application did not comply with the Immigration Rules,” a Home Office spokesman said.

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On 30/03/2018 at 5:14 PM, guzzi said:

Pretty much, yes.

"Detectives traced three distinct polonium trails in and out of London, at three different dates, which according to the investigation suggests Andrey Lugovoy and Dmitry "Kovtun made two failed attempts to administer polonium to Litvinenko before the final and successful one. The first attempt took place on 16 October 2006, when radioactive traces were found in all places visited by the FSB operatives before and after their meeting with Litvinenko. They administered the poison to his tea, but he did not drink it.

Apparently, Lugovoy and Kovtun did not fully realize they were handling a radioactive poison. Journalist Luke Harding described their behaviour as "idiotic, verging on suicidal"; while handling a leaky container, they stored it in their hotel rooms, used ordinary towels to clean up leaks, and eventually disposed of the poison in the toilet. On 17 October, perhaps realizing they contaminated their rooms, they prematurely checked out, moved to another hotel, and left London the next day.

Another unsuccessful assassination attempt took place on 25 October, when Lugovoy and Kovtun flew to London again. They left radioactive traces again in their hotel prior to meeting Litvinenko, but did not administer the poison, perhaps due to security cameras in the meeting room. They again disposed of the poison via their room's toilet, and left London.[40]

The third attempt to poison Litvinenko took place at around 5 pm of 1 November in the Millennium Hotel in Grosvenor Square. The bus he travelled in to the hotel had no signs of radioactivity – but large amounts had been detected at the hotel.[41] Polonium was subsequently found in a fourth-floor room and in a cup in the Pine Bar at the hotel.[42] After the Millennium bar, Litvinenko stopped at the office of Boris Berezovsky. He used a fax machine, where radioactive contamination was found later. At 6 pm, Akhmed Zakayev picked Litvinenko up and brought him home to Muswell Hill. The amount of radioactivity left by Litvinenko in the car was so significant that the car was rendered unusable.[43] Everything that he touched at home during the next three days was contaminated. His family was unable to return to the house even six months later. His wife tested positive for ingesting polonium, but did not leave a secondary trail behind her. This suggested that anyone who left a trail could not have picked up the polonium from Litvinenko (possibly, including Lugovoy and Kovtun).[43] The patterns and levels of radioactivity the assassins left behind suggested that Litvinenko ingested polonium, whereas Lugovoy and Kovtun handled it directly.[43] The human body dilutes polonium before excreting it in sweat, which results in a reduced radioactivity level. There were also traces of Po-210 found at the Hey Jo/Abracadabra bar, Dar Marrakesh restaurant, and Lambeth-Mercedes taxis.[44]

Besides Litvinenko, only two people left polonium trails: Lugovoy and Kovtun, who were school friends and worked previously for Russian intelligence in the KGBand the GRU, respectively.[43] They left more significant traces of polonium than Litvinenko, indicating that they handled the radioactive material directly, and did not ingest it.[43]

Lugovoy and Kovtun met Litvinenko in the Millennium hotel bar twice, on 1 November (when the poisoning took place), and earlier, on 16 October. Trails left by Lugovoy and Kovtun started on 16 October, in the same sushi bar where Litvinenko was poisoned later, but at a different table. It was assumed that their first meeting with Litvinenko was either a rehearsal of the future poisoning, or an unsuccessful attempt at the poisoning.[43]

Traces left by Lugovoy were also found in the office of Berezovsky that he visited on 31 October, a day before his second meeting with Litvinenko. Traces left by Kovtun were found in Hamburg, Germany. He left them on his way to London on 28 October.[43] The traces were found in passenger jets[45][46] BA875 and BA873 from Moscow to Heathrow on 25 and 31 October, as well as flights BA872 and BA874 from Heathrow to Moscow on 28 October and 3 November.[47][48]

Andrey Lugovoy has said he flew from London to Moscow on a 3 November flight. He stated he arrived in London on 31 October to attend the football match between Arsenal and CSKA Moscow on 1 November.[49] When the news broke that a radioactive substance had been used to murder Litvinenko, a team of scientists rushed to find out how far the contamination had spread. It led them on a trail involving hundreds of people and dozens of locations.[50]

British Airways later published a list of 221 flights of the contaminated aircraft, involving around 33,000 passengers, and advised those potentially affected to contact the UK Department of Health for help. On 5 December, they issued an email to all of their customers, informing them that the aircraft had all been declared safe by the UK's Health Protection Agency and would be re-entering service."

From Wiki, but well established from other sources too.


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6 minutes ago, guzzi said:


Not an entirely reliable news source! It reads like typical RT spin and weasel words, in my estimation, especially keeping in mind that Putin' s propaganda machine will be working flat out at present to discredit Britain.

BoJo and the Brexiteers are far surpassing in that field.

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18 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

It's rt so i can't claim it's gospel, but it is a dofferent viewpoint to explain how the pollonium followed litvinenko around. I'd put it on a par with the wikipedia

It is certainly different, as I would expect from RT.  RT never says anything that is critical of the Russian Government. The account in Wiki is the internationally accepted consensus. I note that RT's item doesn't explain the contaminated BA aircraft used by the alleged perpetrators. It's a bit rich too that RT places stress on the fact that the alleged perpetrators have never been tried. That is because Russia refused to allow them to be tried! My measure of RT's integrity and journalistic standard is the way they went on maintaining that Ukraine murdered the 283 people on board MH17 when Russia knew very well that it was Russian separatists using equipment supplied by Russia, which the Dutch investigation established beyond any reasonable doubt.

19 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

BoJo and the Brexiteers are far surpassing in that field.

They are doing a fine job.  Whilst I don't think the BBC (for example) is perfect, I can very plainly see that there is a fundamental difference between the BBC and RT.  The BBC was very quick to report Boris's deceptive answer to the question put by the Deutsche Welle interviewer, undermining the British Government position on the origin of the neurotoxin. When RT does that in respect of Putin's government, I will be prepared to take it seriously.

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2 minutes ago, Stitch said:

What do we believe? Admittedly, it is only from Russian media, but..........Lavrov, the Swiss lab that tested the Salisbury nerve agent, say it was BZ toxin. Not produced in Russia.  https://www.rt.com/news/424149-skripal-poisoning-bz-lavrov/

russia also claimed no chemical weapons had been used in syria, then claimed the british had done it......


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