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Russian Spies


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More than one team enters the UK not all at once.

Another team has at times imported the poison in innocent looking packages to wit perfume, deodorant etc and could even be women couriers on business that does not arouse suspicion.

The teams doing the hit come to the UK and collect the weapons smuggled in aforesaid.

One team does the hit and father and daughter are down.

The other team or teams not needed ditch their weapon ie a packaged bottle of well known perfume in a bin or alternatively one of the "mules" dumps hers/his in a bin as it not needed.

They all split in different directions.

The man comes along and finds the discarded the spare weapon/sealed pack of perfume in the bin and gives it to girlfriend.

The "mules"/"agents" may have "binned" other packages very innocent looking which is why the police are advising do not pick up discarded cosmetics.

The horror story is that unless things have changes weapons can be brought in via the "Diplomatic pouch" and not searched. Maybe the poison came in this way? The Libyan embassy used British Sterling sub-machine guns brought in via the "pouch" when WPC Yvonne Fletcher was killed outside the embassy many years ago. The British left tons of arms in Libya when they left.

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4 hours ago, Chinahand said:

I don’t find it so incredible that the Russians would kill someone they consider a traitor: spies have used a risin tipped umbrella & polonium  in the UK in the past. 

The Russians kill turbulent priests and have no regard for legal or international borders in doing that. 

When it comes to abandoning the weapon used, to make this out to be inconceivable  is overblown. These things happen and then someone can find it with all the consequences of that. 

I see Russian media organisations trying to rubbish this narrative but don’t see any counter narrative which is any better. 

What is your theory?

I don’t have a theory. This all may indeed have been the work of the Russian state. My point is the story we are being fed, from the Skripals to this one, makes no logical sense whatsoever. 

I really don’t expect the media story we are being fed to be the correct one. The intelligence services I imagine rarely let the public in on the truth, quite understandably so. I do however expect them to have communicated more, so the version fed to the public exhibits some form of reality. 

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3 hours ago, Lxxx said:

My point is the story we are being fed, from the Skripals to this one, makes no logical sense whatsoever. 

What doesn’t make logical sense?

Can you be specific?

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5 hours ago, Barrie Stevens said:


More than one team enters the UK not all at once.

Another team has at times imported the poison in innocent looking packages to wit perfume, deodorant etc and could even be women couriers on business that does not arouse suspicion.

The teams doing the hit come to the UK and collect the weapons smuggled in aforesaid.

One team does the hit and father and daughter are down.

The other team or teams not needed ditch their weapon ie a packaged bottle of well known perfume in a bin or alternatively one of the "mules" dumps hers/his in a bin as it not needed.

They all split in different directions.

The man comes along and finds the discarded the spare weapon/sealed pack of perfume in the bin and gives it to girlfriend.

The "mules"/"agents" may have "binned" other packages very innocent looking which is why the police are advising do not pick up discarded cosmetics.


i'd go with that....


but what sort of bloke gives found perfume to his bird.....

does he also pickup truckers "lucozade" from the side of the road.....

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16 minutes ago, woody2 said:

i'd go with that....


but what sort of bloke gives found perfume to his bird.....

does he also pickup truckers "lucozade" from the side of the road.....

People who are poor, street savvy or on drugs like the two victims rummage in bins. She was living in sheltered hostel accommodation. He found a cellophane sealed package of well known perfume apparently untouched. Now I have done a lot of cleaning and often found things in bins and skips I asked permission to keep. People throw amazing things away. One time we were allowed to keep old tower computers from the skip in Athol Street. 

I am in touch with local "totters" down on my manor and so far have acquired a steel work table for bookbinding, a press, two chrome and red retro bar stools like out of the 1970s, an office chair of steel not plastic and a large amount of A4 paper in packs.

Another little known fact is that people out shop-lifting sometimes make a run or think they might be caught and dump nicked stuff in bins as they walk by. Clothes often end up in bins when nicked. When I worked in the amusement arcades in Douglas thieves would soimetimes dump clothing in bins or the toilets.

A few years ago down on the manor here I saw a sports bag sticking out of a bin and looked into it. It was full of nicked DVDs. I kept the bag and some of the DVDs but most were of no use to me. I did find in the bag a stash of home made movies and took them home only to realise they were damn near illegal porn so I watched them killing myself with laughter! Then I binned them. Honest I did!

In 1987 when on the dole desperate and living in a Salford doss house off Bury New Road  I walked up Cheetham Hill Manchester and entered a ruined Victorian church and its overgrown graveyard. I am keen on history etc. In the ruins I saw what I thought was a pile of rubbish until I looked and saw a lot of blocks of catering cheese, tinned salmon, spam, corned beef, tuna. coffee, sugar and tea. All catering packs. The cheese was still cold and hard.

It took two journeys with a trolley to get it back to the doss house. Not one of the supposed hard men at the house would help as they feared being caught in the ruins by the original thief/theves who must have had connections with a Cash n Carry.

Down on my manor the local Co-op in town threw out lots of those little packs of tobacco you can't sell any more. They went in a skip. One of the local street characters got into the skip and had a nice little tickle. 

So yes, I can understand a person in those circumstances rummaging in bins and upon finding an unopened high priced perfume in its original pack at many pounds a bottle giving it is a treat. It was a pay day for them.


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22 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

If only putin had seen that youtube video he'd have probably chosen a different method for his dastardly plan.

It was probably all so rushed. He knew he only had a small window of opportunity, about 10 years, to get rid of that bloody Skripal nuisance and needed something fast and novichok was all be could get his hands on at short notice. Not ideal but worth a punt. Ultimately wrong option.

Next time he'll just go down the normal hit man route, if he can find his mobile number again.

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Oh goodness Stinky, chemical weapons are no where near as effective as mass killers as the raw numbers suggest. For individual hits they can be very effective; think Kim Jong-nam or poor Ms Sturgess. But you’re right they did mess up and didn’t leave enough on that door knob. 

The message that traitors are dead men walking still stands though. 

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