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Russian Spies


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Who knows what the truth is in the bonkers intelligence world of bluff, counter bluff and triple bluff. These two were clearly set up to be spotted and identified for whatever reason. Their rather obvious itinerary and the poisoning itself Iook like something out of a 5th grade attempt at a spy novel. If a state like Russia wanted someone dead by discreet means the Skripals would be long gone and there wouldn't be any CCTV footage of the suspects.

The whole thing looks like some kind of slapstick comedy.

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I disagree - my experience of the world is we are all surprisingly human and flawed, with most people being pretty mundane.

"Special forces" etc aren't nearly as James Bond as they'd claim.  My example - the SAS's finest hour.  There they were, under the world's gaze, blasting their way into the Iranian Embassy in London - it is very lucky the cameras were at the front.  If they had been at the back they'd have had priceless footage of a trooper being unable to abseil and ending up hanging helpless tangled in his ropes.

"clearly set up to be spotted" ... methinks you may be overthinking this ... "clearly didn't expect to be spotted" works just as well. 

In a country where police make little effort the idea of 100s of people going through 1000s of hours of CCTV might not have been considered - the effort to spot them, especially when they changed coats etc must have been truly herculean and well beyond the typical Moscow plod.  Is it really inconceivable that effort wasn't thought about?

Plus, having Putin directly put himself front and centre of these shenanigans at least makes it less likely that it was the Ukrainians.

Ah bluff and double bluff.

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2 hours ago, Chinahand said:

I disagree - my experience of the world is we are all surprisingly human and flawed, with most people being pretty mundane.

"Special forces" etc aren't nearly as James Bond as they'd claim.  My example - the SAS's finest hour.  There they were, under the world's gaze, blasting their way into the Iranian Embassy in London - it is very lucky the cameras were at the front.  If they had been at the back they'd have had priceless footage of a trooper being unable to abseil and ending up hanging helpless tangled in his ropes.

"clearly set up to be spotted" ... methinks you may be overthinking this ... "clearly didn't expect to be spotted" works just as well. 

In a country where police make little effort the idea of 100s of people going through 1000s of hours of CCTV might not have been considered - the effort to spot them, especially when they changed coats etc must have been truly herculean and well beyond the typical Moscow plod.  Is it really inconceivable that effort wasn't thought about?

Plus, having Putin directly put himself front and centre of these shenanigans at least makes it less likely that it was the Ukrainians.

Ah bluff and double bluff.

Come on China. If you were out to kill someone, just as a normal member of the public, you'd take a few precautions wouldn't you. These boys have the might of one of the worlds most fearsome and experienced intelligence services at their disposal, their president is schooled in the art no less, but these boys haven't take any precautions whatsoever. No disguise. No attempt to conceal their identity, apart from some clumsy fake names. No attempt to avoid public transport and the myriad of CCTV cameras all over.

If you wanted to you could go into any city underworld in the UK and buy a weapon and some pretty decent prosthetics and do the job yourself for a few hundred quid. Or at best anonymously pay a hitman a few grand to do the job at arms length for you.

I don't know what the truth is but it ain't some ninja chuckle brothers.

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