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28 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

Seems a strange time for the russians to do it though pk. Why put trump under pressure if he is their asset?

The Russians have learned they can poison "traitors" at will with little or no consequences.

Let's face it, Trump looking and sounding stupid is not exactly news either.

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26 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

Its illogical pk. I'm not buying it.

Who do you think you are, First Officer Spock?  :)

Norms simply do not apply to Putin and The Russian Federation.

What appears to be illogical to us from a political / world stage perspective is simply business as usual to Putin and his thugs.

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21 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

That's exactly what I'm not buying.you couldn't have encapsulated it better.

The effect of the message is the same whether someone dies or nearly dies. Either way it will put people off speaking out against the regime.

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1 minute ago, the stinking enigma said:

You are sort of missing the point

Ok. I accept that possibility. Could you elaborate? What's your take on it?

I'm probably being dense, either missing the point or your take on it. But I was trying to sincerly enagage.

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3 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

Fair enough, sorry. I just find it a little hard to accept at face value that putin would classify getting even with someone/sending out a message to others as a higher priority right now than influencing the upcoming US elections, especially by putting Trump under pressure to act in some way against Russia. 

But it's not a high priority.

It's just business as usual.

Plus Trump, throughout his presidency (if you can call it that) has always made out that it's NEVER Putin's fault. So it's no change from that direction either.

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On 9/7/2020 at 9:39 PM, the stinking enigma said:

It all seems so counter productive right at this time. Why put trump under so much pressure when he is already under so much from everywhere else. Why give trump so little time to react with the election so close? I'm finding it quite hard to get my head around.

Do you think Putin cares whether Trump or Biden wins? Or is that not your point. Genuine question.

Me - I think Russia is happy with the US having a deeply divided population.

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It seems to me to be vote biden if you want russia on the hit list, vote trump if you'd rather give china a slap next. I find it a bit odd though that the media outlets that have been pushing the russian collusion story are the same ones that are reporting on the navalny incident without a shred of open mindedness at all. Because its seemingly novichok then it can only possibly be russia and putin himself that did it. As if russia are the only country with it. 

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33 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

It seems to me to be vote biden if you want russia on the hit list, vote trump if you'd rather give china a slap next. I find it a bit odd though that the media outlets that have been pushing the russian collusion story are the same ones that are reporting on the navalny incident without a shred of open mindedness at all. Because its seemingly novichok then it can only possibly be russia and putin himself that did it. As if russia are the only country with it. 

I don't read it quite like that.

Firstly - both Biden and Trump are now anti - China. Just in different ways. Both accusing the other of being easy on China. 

Secondly - with the poisoning ... I think it's more like an understanding that Putin and his circle don't need to be even indirectly involved. Someone else will do it anyhow on their behalf. That's the Russian way for at least 100 years. Sure it's Russian though. Poisoning is a very Russian thing. The classic government response being to then order an investigation and use that as an excuse to discover a made-up conspiracy. 

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