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Russian Spies


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14 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

No country has ever killed people from another country while professing they themselves to be the evil ones. All killing is done in the name of good.

People believe that I was once a contract killer for MI5...Whereas I merely recounted of the days when I used to be a contract cleaner in MFI...!

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14 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

Whenever the daily mail begins an article with "is this" it's an absolute cert that even they don't expect you to believe it. It's a long way to travel undetected with nerve agent, whereas porton down is just down the road


Bingo. The biggest chemical weapons research facility in the UK lies just on the edge of Salisbury plain, a few miles up the road. Probably just a coincidence like, nothing to see here.

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We’re all quite happy to read about the daring exploits of fictional British agents being transported into hostile places to carry out covert assassinations against enemies of the state, and I dare say like to believe that they’re true. So why is it when a daring Russian agent allegedly does the same over here we’re all up in arms and want to cancel the World Cup?

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What will the UK do to get back at Russia, stop importing Lada's? As though Vladimir Putin gives a toss about our comedy government and their rantings.

It's about time we realised that there are consequences for recruiting spies and they don't always get bumped off in Istanbul, sometimes you put your own people at risk and you have to make noises as though you care! 

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STRONG words from May - its definitely the Russians, weapons grade nerve agent (Im not sure there is any other type?) best case criminal negligence losing some, worst case hostile act against Britain. Weirdly she described Skripal as innocent, despite being a convicted traitor. Anyway, better saddle up, looks like we're going to take on the Red Menace.

I liked how someone described these events as page 200 of a novel, we've got no idea what has gone on before. I've been making previous chapters up.

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On ‎10‎/‎03‎/‎2018 at 2:56 PM, Neil Down said:

Just freeze all the assets of UK based Russian oligarchs and there’ll soon be a result...:thumbsup:

Yeah, all the UK based Russian oligarchs will pull their money from the Tory party...



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It was America that did it.

Russian elections soon, smear Vlad to shift the ever increasing focus off the Vlad/Trump thing. Vlad goes into hiding, leaves the Country, has plastic surgery and becomes Trumps advisor.

If this such a 'smart' nerve agent, how come it was so quickly identified and traces of it found all round the area, with only 3 ill.

Targeted yes, at a credible person, with just a little bit extra, to ensure it is spread about a bit to ensure it was found and identified so a finger could be pointed.

God, I miss Spooks on the BBC, the writers could have had a field day with this.

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On 08/03/2018 at 11:29 PM, quilp said:

 Even then, Europe is not the peaceful and well-ordered place it once was. In Britain, knife-crime, gang-warfare, sex-crimes, hate crimes, terrorists at large; we're seeing a rise in all these offences.

The rise of these crimes in the UK directly correlates with the reduction of police numbers and therefore effectiveness.

Apart from hate crimes which really took off on the Brexit result.

Sad but true.

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