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Person On Swing Bridge


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So, just to clarify this:


A bloke is in a pub and is thrown out (presumably for kicking off at other customers) that he alleges are pedophiles. (This seems to be missing from the record) There may have been other people in the pub with their children having a Sunday lunch. He then goes and makes a protest by sitting on the bridge and not only endangers his own life but also that of others.


Now, the protest is because he wants to be allowed into licensed premises?


Should there be a poll?:lol:



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he has been asking the police and putting in for an application to be let back allowed in licenced premises, yeah he has made mistakes being a bit of a nucience in the past


I think he's banned for kicking off at people whether he alleges that they're paedos or not. He's probably a real arsehole, and I bet all he really cares about is not being allowed in pubs.

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Man protest because...


1. He is already barred from some licenced premises not all;

2. He goes into a pub where landlord decides he is not allowed in, so landlord calls the police discreetly to come and remove him;

3. Man protests to police what is the problem and why is he not allowed in pub;

4. Police ignore him (as usual) man gets upset and walks off;

5. He decided to protest on bridge so the police would listen to him;

6. No-one was kicking off in the pub but apparently the peeds that were in there are well known and this was part of man's arguement if he is not allowed in pubs for something that happended when he was 17 and people like that are free to rome the streets what kind of justice is that;


Lastly, I have to agree with him, so what if they have done there time..... it's disgusting and sick what those type of people do and they should be locked in cages especially when the pub they were in is know for families dining in there on a Sunday afternoon!

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They placed a four pack of special brew on the road, opened one and walked off. Within 5 minutes he was down...

This made me laugh. I can imagine him being caught and then released back into his natural habitiat at the local offy.


Seriously though, my uncle's banned from every pub on the Island and it doesn't stop him from getting p*ssed. He just gets on with it, like all self-respecting drinkers do. There are always the shelters on Douglas Prom, you know.

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Whatever you think of paedos, if they've done their time and their free then a pub should be one place they can go to.

f*cking hell manxman, that has just nearly made me wet myself, nice action.


/ sorry to rant here everyone but here goes, as for what Speckled Frost said, that has got me raging! how can you say that if a peedo has done his time, they should be allowed to go to whichever pub they choose? that has got to be the most insane view ever! think of their victim! they have to go through their whole life, knowing what happened to them when they were young, it ruins your whole child hood! constantly thinking "why did it happen to me" "was it my fault" all questions like that! you dont have a clue what you are talking about im afraid - unless... i wont say. im sorry to rant on, but this is a very touchy topic for me, how can people get "turned on" by kids? there is a topic on manxbands about something like this, a man who raped a baby (omg) and got some stupid as* sentence in jail. i have four nieces and if anyone even looked at them in a manner i thought to be obscene, i would do time. and that is a fact. put yourself in that position, if it was your family/friends whoever that something happened to, you would be raging at the stinking pervert also.


on a lighter note, when i got a text saying about who it was, i laughed my f*cking as* off. thought i was still p*ssed and reading it wrong!



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