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Person On Swing Bridge


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ARE YOU PEOPLE FOR REAL! I totally agree with SWTB, we have talked about the subject quite a lot, going to jail does not change these people and letting them back into society is even worse I know these peedo's have a problem upstairs that we are not debating but my opion (only my opion before everyone starts having a go) is that these people need to have there genetaila tampered with in order to cure them lets not shy away from the fact that these perverts ruin childrens lives and I pray for you all that your kids never encounter anything of the kind!!! I understand these maniac's have to be somewhere in the world but what this protest was about is people like that are allowed to carry on with there lives and intergrate with "normal people", whereas this protestor has had a few fights in the past and is still being victimised!

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Speckled Frost, it just p*ssed me off because there were children in there. thats why i had my rant, i dont know how you can say that my attitude causes them kind of problems? i dont think so. i think im safely going to say that im out of this peedo discussion now, its starting to hurt and the "comical" jokes are not funny. unless its happened to you, you cant say that its okay for peedos to be around children. they should be put in a mental institution and shot in the balls and f*cking tortured. i am entitled to my opnion though, just as everyone else is.


back on topic though - about the swing bridge - how the hell did he get up there? madness.

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to all the nazi's in this thread...shoot these guys in the nuts etc. - then what?


will that change their psychological makeup?

will that change their sexual makeup? (it's not long since that gays were seen as the same kind of target)


I'd prefer to get rid of bigots like you, threatening torture and maiming for fun is the stuff of religious zealots

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Man protest because...


1.  He is already barred from some licenced premises not all;

2.  He goes into a pub where landlord decides he is not allowed in, so landlord calls the police discreetly to come and remove him;

3.  Man protests to police what is the problem and why is he not allowed in pub;

4.  Police ignore him (as usual) man gets upset and walks off;

5.  He decided to protest on bridge so the police would listen to him;

6.  No-one was kicking off in the pub but apparently the peeds that were in there are well known and this was part of man's arguement if he is not allowed in pubs for something that happended when he was 17 and people like that are free to rome the streets what kind of justice is that;


Lastly, I have to agree with him, so what if they have done there time..... it's disgusting and sick what those type of people do and they should be locked in cages especially when the pub they were in is know for families dining in there on a Sunday afternoon!


This thread is not about pedophiles and it's pretty academic if they were in the pub.


The above post sums it up, "wally with history goes to the pub. He's banned and they refuse to serve him. Police called, wally gets strop and climbs on bridge causing a hazard. Everyones time and money is wasted, wally goes home!"


Nothing clever about it really is there? (Apart from trying to divert the attention to some alleged pedophiles that may or may not have been in the pub at the time!)



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1. Kids and pubs don't mix. Don't care if they've got a bouncy castle in the garden, or nappy-changing facilities in the bogs... if the parents can afford to go to the pub they can either pay for a sitter or wait until the progeny are old enough to be left behind. A pub is a place for adults. Adult talk, beer, fags. End of.


2. The dipstick on the bridge is allegedly only banned from SOME pubs. So go to another and stop being an arse, whining about unfair treatment. Put your own house in order first!


3. Paedophiles should be chemically castrated (hormone pills/jabs - nothing brutal or sinister) upon rehabilitation/release. I loathe what they do too, but the thought of them being allowed out offends me no more than recidivist vandals, joyriders, muggers, dole scroungers, wife-batterers, con-men, thugs, junkies and burglars. I certainly don't believe that a member of the latter category should sit in judgement of someone in the first... 'let he who is without sin' etc.


[/Grumble over]

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If you don't want peado's in the pub while kids are in there having family meals why not start a campaign to get the landlords to have pictures of all the peadophiles, if there are kids present they can be asked to leave.


Alternatively, why not send them all to the Tower of Refuge and leave them there. They won't bother anyone then.

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Look, we all know that pedoes are convicted and eventually released, you may not like it, but they are. So until the law changes isn't it better they are in pubs where children need to be under adult supervision, than cafes, say, where they are not?

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My mother lives next door to a released peadophile where my two neices often visit because of the family situation, my son is seldom round there without me. There are other little children in the neighbourhood and no one is comfortable with the situation. I neither advocate violence upon him nor that he should be left to rot in prison and with no suitable answer that I can think of we have to live with the unsatisfactory status quo.


Time was when pubs were for beer blokes and smoke. Thankfully times have changed and a more continental approach is tollerated when it comes to families in pubs and restaurants. Wherever I was I would not feel comfortable thinking a peadophile was eying up my son/neices, but again what is the answer?


Finally to the lad in question who made the protest, whatever his motives he has succeeded in getting us talking about the issue so well done to him.

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What was the reason this bridge asailant was banned from the pubs ?


All in all, if the landlord doesn't want to let you into the pub its just tough, he has the last say and the police can't override a landlords decision.



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What was the reason this bridge asailant was banned from the pubs ?


All in all, if the landlord doesn't want to let you into the pub its just tough, he has the last say and the police can't override a landlords decision.



Why was he banned? Explanation please as your post contradicts itself.


"asailant" Ouch! - is that about climbing up onto the bridge or attacking it?

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