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Cameron Says 'back Me Or Lose'

Albert Tatlock

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I see Dave the Cameleon has told his party it must back his drive to modernise or face another election defeat.


Deja Moo! - heard this bullshit before methinks - usually just before the knives come out for a new Tory leader.


What a state the UK is in - governed by a party no-one respects with no credible opposition. IMHO, this is the real result of spin and letting the media call the shots. A true dumbocracy.


I just hope we learn from it and keep the spin out of this government.

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I think politics globally is dead.


I see Bush's face on the TV and I want to kick the sh*t out of it, I see Blairs and the same thoughts enter my mind.


Normal people elected these people. What is wrong with us? Are we crazy? Are we just too disinterested to care? What is the deal?


They are all wankers and lots of "little people" apparently voted for them.

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I think politics globally is dead.


I see Bush's face on the TV and I want to kick the sh*t out of it, I see Blairs and the same thoughts enter my mind.


Normal people elected these people. What is wrong with us? Are we crazy? Are we just too disinterested to care? What is the deal?


They are all wankers and lots of "little people" apparently voted for them.

It's called dumbocracy e.g. see this


Dumbocracy (duh'mock'rasseeeeeeeeee) is the most widespread form of government in the whole wide world. It is a twisted form of democracy.


Democracy is all well and good, but it only works if the people involved are well-informed and rational. Unfortunately, most people are idiots, and since idiots still have the vote, it is inevitable that democracy kinda falls apart a bit and ultimately morphs into dumbocracy, in which the devious achieve power by duping the stupid.


There are various forms of dumbocracy:


British Dumbocracy: The people are stupid, the leaders are devious.

American Dumbocracy: The people are stupid, some of the leaders are devious and some are stupid. A group of the most devious act as advisers to The Big Bad Leader (or President), who is the stupidest of all.

Australian Dumbocracy: The leaders are stupid, and the people are stupid enough to keep voting for them 4 terms in a row. (see also John Howard)

Italian Dumbocracy: Silvio Berlusconi is devious. The rest can go to hell.

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