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Mf Night Out - 3rd Birthday Bash


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Sounds like it's going to be a great night, pity I've got something else on so won't be able to make it.


Have a great time all.

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I was meant to be going tonight but my fiancée has a works do so I’m left holding the baby so to speak.


She's just text me to say that she's having a crap time!


Gutted...... :crying:






Hope that you all have a good time though.

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Mission, Uni.....Eeeeeeeee is a , well you know the rest. So nice to feel the forum love, what a nice bunch of people you all are, Lonan3, Roxanne, Gladys, Bombay Badboy - vixen not only are you lovely but you are a great little DJ too, lady89 yous lovely too. I am most glad I went to see the geek show, aside from the wierdos who said they were "Shaun" - who?? theres no one of that name in my circle of faceless friends, well now I must say you are all lovely. Nice too meet you.

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Mission, Uni.....Eeeeeeeee is a , well you know the rest. So nice to feel the forum love, what a nice bunch of people you all are, Lonan3, Roxanne, Gladys, Bombay Badboy - vixen not only are you lovely but you are a great little DJ too, lady89 yous lovely too. I am most glad I went to see the geek show, aside from the wierdos who said they were "Shaun" - who?? theres no one of that name in my circle of faceless friends, well now I must say you are all lovely. Nice too meet you.


Has soneone been feeding the Bees alchohol?


(Incidently isn't Steven's real name Shaun? Could you have met him? I want a full description?)

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He was not the Steven, the one that was there is a very nice chap with a multitude of MF personna.


Top evening and thanks to Mish for doing the doings!


Lovely to meet Grant, who is a very charming fellow.


By the by, I got into the taxi that delivered the drunken engineer back to Amber after taking him to various cashpoints. Like I say, top evening!

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Evening all -bit worse for the ware here - we're all at Sideways' gaff - myself, manx-minx, Ray, Cainer and some girl called Georgia who liked the sound of the night, so camealong- oh and two random people have just turned up-no idea who they are!.


Took loads of pictures and some vid toobut can'tupload from here so will do that tomorrow or Monday.


Great to see everyone, it really was a great night.If I didn't speak to you, I apologise but I never stopped talking all night- my voice has gone now!


Thanks to everyone, all that helped out and all that came along...


Top bombing.:D

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What a good nigh tout that was. Excellent indeed.


Mission greeted folk at the door,


Ray Marshall putting on some excellent sounds, people dancing left right and centre. He was well tuned in to the atmospehere


It was wonderful to meet some people and yeah, put names to faces or is that faces to names - whatever.



Roxanna stole the belle of the ball without a doubt and the man on her arm remained the perfect gentleman throughout.



Stu Peters and his Smokin' Rock Show was tried to be contacted but he must have been out on the balcony blastin' awa'. He would have enjoyed the evening without a doubt.



Knoxville, Bombay Bad Boy, Lonan3 (a star!) Grant, nipper, Manxie-Minxie, feelslikeitshould, thebees, steven! ( and his various personae), Unisol, Tearz, Mission, loaf, sideways, lady89, (no longer a girl after her 18th this evening!) Busby, Rock, ad loads and loads of others. Sos to have missed you in the list.


Tries as I may all the many and various conversations I had could not be steered onto gigabytes and stuff. Ah well, next time maybe. Yep, If that is Geeksville, Kentucky then I want some more of it.


So basically, if I thoroughly enjoyed and I is dead anti-socialist normally, then anyone else would have. It was an excellent do. Well done Mission & Co, great to see Uni and Tearz. Where wuz ans! where was Decland? Next time you gotta be there guys!


Cheers folks for rejuvenating my view of the Isle of Man. A place that has thrown me into the very deepest depths of despair and disillusion these past 2 or 3 years.


Thanks for a great night night out.



Nice one.

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Just to add...the place was packed out. Maybe not all forum folk but they all joined in. Dance floor going strong all night too.


FCMR/theskeat was in attendance during the early stages. Lobbying for support for his re-instatement to the forum is best not done after an afternoon in the Legion...


That said however, the place really did kick-off after FC left, but that really was coincidence.


Nice to see so many people enjoying an evening and having fun.

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Sorry I missed it - and the studio email/text thing was offline for most of the evening, so I got nothing - although I got an email apres gig and gave a shout on air after midnight.

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