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Mf Night Out - 3rd Birthday Bash


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What a good nigh tout that was. Excellent indeed.



It was wonderful to meet some people and yeah, put names to faces or is that faces to names - whatever.


A great bunch of people


Roxanna stole the belle of the ball without a doubt

She did look stunning. :)

and the man on her arm remained the perfect gentleman throughout.

Why, thank you.


I thought Lonan3 was someone else as I have only ever seen the back of his head! Sorry I didn't get to talk to you more, mate. Although, I have to admit, I did find conversation a little difficult with all the music going on. I guess that could also be down to Anno Domini.


Thanks for a great night night out.


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By the by, I got into the taxi that delivered the drunken engineer back to Amber after taking him to various cashpoints. Like I say, top evening!


And her is a pic of said drunken engineer chatting to an established forum member. A very sociable and happy chappie indeed it has to be said and he mingled with everyone as if we were all his long lost friends.




And here chatting to Gladys and Grant:



With Lonan3 too.




I hope no one minds the pictures being posted. They are a bit unclear - to retain that touch of anonymity!





To previous post:

Ahh... that Bill,

Bill Posters, why didn't you say. Another long established Forum member! Great to meet ya Bill.

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My apologies for not being able to stay for very long - I just took an hour out from working - but everyone seemed to be having a good time. It was great to be able to put some faces to names - some I've already met and many that I hadn't.

I don't want to try to list them, because I'll end up insulting those I forget to mention, or those whose 'names' I couldn't quite get because the music was making my ears bleed (Yep - I'm definitely getting old!)

Mission, however, deserves a special mention for organising it - it really isn't easy when you've no idea who, if anyone, is going to turn up! Well done, dude!

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wow....a fantastic night in the end.......so good to meet most of you too, i think all the dj's played some fantastic tunes, and and it was great to see so mnay going for it all night ('ave it!).....mo / vix / djk and justin all played brillant and filthy tunes

and thank you to everyone for making me feel welcome for the weekend, its been a blast!!


so whens the next one?.....;)

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Well, that turned out alright didn't it? :)


I wanted to post more last night when I got back but the truth is, I barely managed to type what I did!


Wow, just WOW - what a fantastic night, I'm so chuffed that so many of you came along and had such a good time.


I tried to take loads of pictures but somehow only managed 24 in the end, I did spend a lot of time talking to people though, damn near lost my voice in the end but all very much worth it. Nice to see those that I've met before and great to meet some new faces too.


Lonan3 was a star, dropping myself and Ray down to the venue FOC so I said I'd put the fare towards MF. Got a few other donations too so I'll get that all to Unisol asap.


Big thankyou to all the dj's for their efforts on the night, to Busby and Paul Hughes for plugging the night to the clubbing crowd and a special thankyou to Grant for getting us the room for free on the night. I spoke to the duty manager at the end of it all and he was very pleased with how it went and said the bar had done well. Ray and I popped back in there this afternoon for something to eat and two of the staff were back behind the bar working another shift! They said it was a great night too.


I've put the pictures in the gallery - click here to view but here's one of the dj's just before things got into full swing:- gallery link fixed - thanks UniSol :)



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Nursing a hangover today, what an awesome night last was! :lol: - a big thanks to everyone who organised and turned up.


It was great meeting loads nice new people and already known, I remember being especially nervous around TheBess :ph34r:


Landmark event in MF history :) When is the next one?

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The photos, although very good, don't tell the whole story. The dancing wus just going all night and spot on you DJs for keeping that dance floor and the general atmosphere going.


For us aul' bastards there was plenty of opportunity to just chat awa' in the bar room, although we were able to nip into the dance floor room to shake a leg as the occasion took.


I did notice one or two folk brazenly and bravely walk in the place as if we should have just known who they were, but some just walked out quickly never to return - pity really. Didn't even give anyone a chance to say "Hi" to them.


Mission was a perfect host and made everyone feel welcome straight away. He couldn't be there all the time of course but the whole do was friendly enough. If anybody is tentative about popping down to the next one, I would strongly suggest they just boogie on down and to hell with it. I went down there on me tod, which was difficult I have to say, but after a few minutes and the first pint I realised I was with good folk and in good company.


Well done Grant for getting the room for us. The bouncers seemed to realise pretty soon that although the place was packed everyone was in a laid back mood. Not strictly a private function, the place attracted quite a few other folk by the general good atmosphere (and excellent sounds). They may have got fed up by people asking who they were on the forum though. I wonder if any of Uncle Albert's spies/employees were there.........

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