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Mf Night Out - 3rd Birthday Bash


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The pictures do only tell part of the story - you are quite correct. I did attempt (on two occasions) to switch from picture to video mode on my camera but it typical bloke stylie, I hadn't read the instructions for taking video and the card failed to capture it! (*makes note to self to check and test that function before the next one*).


Ray did bring his minidisk deck with him however and captured the night on discs so at least we should have the music for posterity, even if we don't have any video. When he gets back to Guernsey tomorrow, I'll get him to send me the files over and I will get it onto cd. If anyone wants it, PM me with your details and I'll mail the discs to you foc or, if you prefer, you can collect them from me at work - just let me know which you prefer via pm).

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Just to say thanks to Mission for kicking the whole idea off and to everyone who helped along the way, it really was great to see so many smiling faces and a VERY relaxed atmosphere, regardless of the high energy music ;) ...


What really pleased me most was the mix of people that turned up, every age group and lots of you ventured down on your own, which isn't easy. Mission was the perfect host and although I don't post too often, I was introduced to a few of you and you were all lovely to say the least.


We hope some of you are able to log on and listen to the music shows this week, we'd love to have you along, so pop in for a chat this week, the links can be found on the music and club scene pages. If you want a copy of the CDs from the night, i'm sure we can sort that out for you too.


Mish any ideas on this? :)


Thanks to all, I really enjoyed meeting some of you and Djing was as ever, a complete pleasure :)

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what a top night out that was and a big thank you to mission and anyone else who helped in sortin this out, i ain't danced so much in years the music was quality. It was good to finally put some faces to the names and i hope there's another one soon. Cheers to everyone who turned up that created a top atmosphere and extremely enjoyable night out, plus united won 4-1 saturdays are great :lol:

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Landmark event in MF history :) When is the next one?


We were chatting about it tonight actually. There is the possibility of Ray coming over in May to play for someone on their birthday and it's not that far away from mine either so we were thinking of a joint party, provided we can agree a date and the costs. We'd like to hold it in Amber again.


As for the next MF bash, we were thinking of doing it again in September - nice way to round off the summer - Manxforums end of summer party or something to that effect.


I've also had a couple of ideas for something else non pub/bar related in the summer that should have a wider appeal.

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Ahh! Some good photos. There was lots going on in the dancing room and people I didn't meet because I was hapy to stay most the evening in what would be the equivalent in a house party, the kitchen. You know, that bit of the party with some conversation, jokes, drink and with plenty of people passing through all the time. You know, away from all that "nosiy" music where all the young 'uns are playing.


I think there were a few people not involved in the forum who just happened to be there and happy to be amongst the atmosphere. Its not every place you go where total strangers keep going up and saying "who are you then" in friendly anticipation.


Forum folk are good folk I would say.

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I would agree Jetson. A thoroughly nice bunch. I will make every effort to attend future MF do's in the hope of meeting even more of the characters on here. I was saddened not to meet some, but (kind of) relieved that Copycat didn't make it. If they did I think the place would have been emptied in a jiffy while everyone scoured the prom for white dog poo and the Corpie enforcement officer.

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I intended to be there and had booked my trip over, but unfortunately work changed all my plans, and I had to cancel the trip.


Interesting to see some of the pics. It's amazing how your perception of someone online can be wholly different when you see their actual picture.


I think the success of this do will obviously encourage many others to go to the next one.


I also think a few people like the idea of something different. We had a do at the Onion Mills FC ground a few years ago, where we rented the bar, had a BBQ and played cricket and football. It was a good summer family day, followed by a boozy evening. Somewhere like that would be ideal to cater for many tastes (including the DJs) who could set up in the bar.

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That's not a million miles away from one of my ideas Albert. I was thinking something more family orientated in the afternoon with the option of a boozy night afterwards for anyone that wanted to stay on/didn't fancy the day thing.


I'll put some more thought into it over the next month or so and then put something up for review by the forum.

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