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Eu Tax Would Be A Disaster For Iom


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Cloud Cuckoo Land I'm sure. Why would anyone want to relocate here when all their business is somewhere else?


Because corporate head offices can be located almost anywhere (within reason) - that's the whole point of globalisation. Why do you think the major technology companies have chosen Ireland as the base for their European operations? The tax advantages, pure and simple - Ireland is the most peripheral country in Western Europe, geographically speaking.


Corporate headquarters are located where the executive want them to be. Why the Isle of Man in preference to major cities in Europe or elsewhere? The point of globalisation is in access to markets, not where HQ is. Why would anyone want their HQ in expensive places like London, New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong etc. Doesn't have much to do with tax advantages, I don't think. Next you'll be telling us how the IOM is at the centre of the space race because a couple of satellite companies run some accounting through some local companies or leading the way in the film industry because the Island's had bit parts in some second rate films :)

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