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I Need A Wii!


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Nice one, once mines unwrapped we'll have to swap friend codes so my Hitler styled Mii's can invade your parade!


Of course. :) I hope they are well trained though as my kung fu master style Mii looks like he will kick botty.


Moved topic into here - no approval and all that...


Cret: Them jumping-round-the-room controllers any good then? Somehow tempted to get one of them thingies...


Good idea moving it're superb dude. It's a little bit of getting used to using the wiimote as a pointing device on the screen but easy enough and you soon get used to it. The wii sports games are mixed. I thought the baseball was cack (but I did lose I suppose), but bowling and golf are simply ACE!!!


Looking forward to seeing what other games will be like on it.....

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Am hoping you can change the text size for the opera browser. It's handy to have but even on the new 50" telly it's not that easy to read without zooming on it.


One of my favourites bits is the google earth style weather globe that you can spin round by waving the remote. It's all very chilled out. :)

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I was in Game this morning and some guys were going nuts about what happened yesterday about the Wii - seems like they changed policy half way through the day from not taking names to taking names


the manager in there is a slimy gimp though so no surprises

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I was at game at 3pm but it got dead busy so I didnt bother in the end. Shame realy. I wish that I had tried harder.


Surprised I didn't see you in there as it was only just gone 3 when we got there.


I was in Game this morning and some guys were going nuts about what happened yesterday about the Wii - seems like they changed policy half way through the day from not taking names to taking names


the manager in there is a slimy gimp though so no surprises


What happened when I was there was there was a queue of about 10 people waiting for the delivery of Wiis, which rapidly increased to well over the number they were expecting. So because they knew they were getting 15 they told people after that point not to bother wasting their time queueing.


Then about 5 minutes after that I think they realised it was pointless having a group of 15 people or so clogging up the shop for up to a couple of hours whilst they waited for the consoles to arrive so they issued tickets that you could come back in with later.

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obviously I wasn't there so I am only going by what I overheard but the beef this guy was having I think was he had turned up early or on time and been told there weren't any tickets etc and then discovered other people had their little tickets


I'm just glad I wasn't in such a desperate need of one to go though with it all!

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obviously I wasn't there so I am only going by what I overheard but the beef this guy was having I think was he had turned up early or on time and been told there weren't any tickets etc and then discovered other people had their little tickets


I'm just glad I wasn't in such a desperate need of one to go though with it all!


You and me both, but exactly the same thing happened on Tuesday this week with the DS console. My daughter wanted one for Christmas, so her Dad got in line at Game for arrival of said console, only to find a (and in his words, NOT mine!) '36 - 24 - 36' seemed to have been the only person able to pre pay for said item, and waltz past the large line.


I have had one can of Stella to many to bother right now, but I might just go and check 'Game's' policy.

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We only really went in on the offchance but we quickly realised we could get one due to the numbers, as long as we were prepared to wait in the queue.


I must admit after 5 or 10 minutes standing there I was getting to the point where I was considering reconsidering waiting, then they dished out tickets as a lot of people were making loud comments that they should do so.


It was fairly painless really.

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Am hoping you can change the text size for the opera browser. It's handy to have but even on the new 50" telly it's not that easy to read without zooming on it.


Crap on composite, ace on component 480p apparently. Course you can't get the component cables for lub nor money at the mo.

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You and me both, but exactly the same thing happened on Tuesday this week with the DS console. My daughter wanted one for Christmas, so her Dad got in line at Game for arrival of said console, only to find a (and in his words, NOT mine!) '36 - 24 - 36' seemed to have been the only person able to pre pay for said item, and waltz past the large line.


Only the pink ones right, the white ones have been very easy to get hold of?

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Gave up on getting a pink one ages ago. The line was for any DS console available, and fortunately they had both black and white, but the staff were very reticent to allow anyone to chose. My ex was able to purchase a black one for my daughter, and the woman behind him was given a white one for her son (even though they both asked for the opposite). Fortunately she was kind enough to swap with him.

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when we bought a ds lite in game earlier this yer the guy who served me said that i'd be better getting a black one because for some reason they have had loads of whit ones returned with faults.


He told me black ones are more reliable, not sure how true this is.

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Am hoping you can change the text size for the opera browser. It's handy to have but even on the new 50" telly it's not that easy to read without zooming on it.


Crap on composite, ace on component 480p apparently. Course you can't get the component cables for lub nor money at the mo.


I got my component lead from here the day before yesterday, arrived the next day: http://www.chipsworld.co.uk/prodpage.asp?ProdID=15035


Everything looks much better on component (as to be expected), even the old Game Cube titles now look much better as I didn't bother getting a component lead for the Game Cube.

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