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I Need A Wii!


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Sure it's more powerful, but also larger and more expensive. Yet despite all that power, you can't surf the web...


The 360 has very little in the way of exclusive titles making use of that power too, I've got a nice pc, so I can play most 360 games on that, in fact they're better on the pc, as they're not cut down like GRAW was, they're cheaper and im not tied into an online service.

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Sure it's more powerful, but also larger and more expensive. Yet despite all that power, you can't surf the web...


The 360 has very little in the way of exclusive titles making use of that power too, I've got a nice pc, so I can play most 360 games on that, in fact they're better on the pc, as they're not cut down like GRAW was, they're cheaper and im not tied into an online service.


I don't get this as a selling point? most people, like yourself have a pc or laptop to surf the web, why would you want to do it on a a games console with no keyboard so you have to use your controller and spend an eternity typing in a web address. :unsure:


More expensive? well you pay for what you get, and with the wii you just get an updated gamecube with a fancy controller. :)

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All new consoles are just an updated something or other, the 360 is just an updated xbox without a fancy controller.


The web thing isn't a selling point, but it's handy. I can play flash games on my wii rather than having to pay for them on the MS marketplace. It's not essential, but it's better than nowt.

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PS3 and XBOX360 have the same game types in common, I don't really believe Nintendo does or has for a very long time now, probably since the SNES. Rarely does any Nintendo title follow the same lines as that of another console. You get the odd game slip through the net on to the system which can be bought on other systems, but the majority are exclusive, and oozing Nintendo.


If that's not your thing then fair enough, but to say it's not as good as the 360 is just rubbish because they're totally different machines, with what I believe to be a totally different concept of what a game should be.


I just can't compare the systems as they're like chalk and cheese.


You can happily own a Nintendo console alongside another, not sure I could say the same about any other console.


Personally I don't play games enough to warrant more than one console so I got rid of the 360 to make room for the Wii, I also kept the old GameCube for nostalgia and also incase the Wii packs up.


If I had to choose between the 360 and a PC for gaming however, I honestly think I'd go for the 360, first reason would be the running costs. Games for the PC, always push the limits and as a new title comes out, often newer hardware is required which could easily be the cost of a console in itself, graphics cards being a prime example, the other reason would be using the big screen for the console which you'd be less likely to setup for a PC. Lastly, you'd have to kick the missus off the PC to have a game.


If you want the ultimate gaming machine then there's no doubt PC's will be at the forefront, but for the costs I've always given it a miss and just bought the odd must have title which you can either only get for the PC or I don't own the other platforms the game was released on.

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i should have phrased that better.


Not updated, It's basically a re-packaged game cube with a fancy controller.


I can't see any improvement in graphics from the gamecube to the wii


Because graphics make a good game?


You judge the power of a system based on it's graphics especially on first release titles?


The hardware isn't ground breaking but it is more powerful than the GameCube. There's a lot more to the system than a GameCube with a fancy controller and you obviously don't see it and don't want to see it.


We've already established you don't like the Wii so why are we having this conversation.............................Again?

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i should have phrased that better.


Not updated, It's basically a re-packaged game cube with a fancy controller.


I can't see any improvement in graphics from the gamecube to the wii


Because graphics make a good game?It certainly helps


You judge the power of a system based on it's graphics especially on first release titles?No, but are they actually going to get any better on the wii?


The hardware isn't ground breaking but it is more powerful than the GameCube. There's a lot more to the system than a GameCube with a fancy controller and you obviously don't see it and don't want to see it. I tried, belive me.


We've already established you don't like the Wii so why are we having this conversation.............................Again?

i was just pointing out to slim how i agreed how shite wii sports is and then everyone gets on the wii defensive. Sorry if i don't like your beloved console IMO its nothing new (apart from the wonderful controller, but we already know that) but each to thier own :)

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Not updated, It's basically a re-packaged game cube with a fancy controller.


I can't see any improvement in graphics from the gamecube to the wii


Then you're daft, sorry. It's not the same as a cube at all, its a significant upgrade. It's not got the draw power of the 360, but it's cheaper.

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Not updated, It's basically a re-packaged game cube with a fancy controller.


I can't see any improvement in graphics from the gamecube to the wii


Then you're daft, sorry. It's not the same as a cube at all, its a significant upgrade. It's not got the draw power of the 360, but it's cheaper.


daft? :lol: daft enough to know it's cheaper for a reason.

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I'm not defensive about the Wii vs 360 etc.


I did infact say at the beginning it's a very different console and one that not everyone will like, but that's Nintendo for you. However recently it seems people are finally acknowledging Nintendos innovative design again.


The only reason I'm posting back is purely because you're either misinformed or you choose to misinform others with your rubbish.


If you look at the hardware spec of the Wii compared with the GameCube you will see a significant difference.


It's already a known fact that all developers had to develop Wii titles on were GameCube dev kits pretty much right up until launch due to the delay in the release of the Wii dev kits.


That alone coupled with the time that had to be spent getting used to developing for the control system has meant that graphics really weren't concentrated on which is why they may seem very GameCube like.


Zelda TP is actually a long delayed GameCube title, and was solely developed for the GameCube with a massive reworking of the control methods for the Wii. It was the released on the GameCube after the Wii purely so that it wouldn't take the hype away from the Wii as it would be a killer launch title for the new platform.

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I've lost count of the consoles I have now (8 or 9 I think) so I like to think I don't get biased about them. The wii certainly gives could initial impressions.


Comparing it to a 360 is like comparing a pig to a cow. It's smaller, cheaper and isn't as powerful, but which tastes better is purely down to personal choice, and which is 'better' is only ever going to be an opinion based on the kind of games you like and how you play them.


I think it's extremely good value, especially when you consider it's less than half the price of the original playstation at launch and that was over ten years ago yet lots more powerful, lots of nice touches and a nicely planned gui.

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