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What Has Happened At The Airport?


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I take it then OG you didn't bother watching much coverage on Sep 11?


I did, in horror, I was due to fly there the next day.


However, I wasn't disapointed that the 4th plane crahed into a field rather than hitting its intended target. I didn't regard it and an anti climax to the days events


I don't feel the need to rubberneck at accidents of search out beheading videos on the internet.

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It's not something to be condoned but I'd say it is human nature, albeit something of a flaw.


You're to be commended for your tactful disinterest. I, however, admit falling victim to a macabre fascination of such things and perhaps there is a flicker of deflation when some potential disaster turns out to be inoccuous (quickly followed by guilt!)

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I've been on 6 flights in the past couple of weeks. Each time I've been thankful when we've landed safely. When I heard there was a plane in trouble my only thoughts were "I hope they land safely without incident" and I felt sorry for the people on the plane and the fear they might be feeling.


I only commented in the thread as I was puzzled by the apparent disapointment that nothing happened

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