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Newly Chipped Xbox. What Next?

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I am after some advice. I have just chipped my xbox with xecuter 2.6. The BIOS it came with was the legal cromwell one and I have just flashed it with the latest xecuter 2 bios. I am not sure on where I have to go now as when I start the xbox I get the MS splash screen with a little xecuter logo underneath.


What next? I think I have to replace the default dashboard but how is this done? Ultimately, I want to replace the hard disk with a bigger one and also stream movies from the pc to the television via the xbox.



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This should help. It can be a bit of an ordeal getting hold of the third party dashboard software though, normally needs to be downloaded via irc (or at least it did when I did mine a long time ago). Check out the big xbox modding sites, theres normally a few clues on how to get hold of a third party dashboard, along with tutes on pretty much everything you can do to a console.
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Not sure to be honest Slim. I originally had XBMP then was told I should upgrade it to XBMC so I did but because I've always got so many things on the go I've not really kept up with what upgrades & stuff there have been.


I take it from that that newer versions are much more whizz bang than the earlier stuff then?

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Cheers Slim. Couldn't get it to work with simple file sharing enabled in XP so re-did all the shares, created a user on the pc called xbox and I can now piss my missus off by watching Star Trek and James Bond Movies whenever I want on the big telly ;)



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