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so "dj"dan reckons its nothing to do with experience?......what a twat, no wonder he's not a resident

the only thing he's into at the moment is his own asshole.......

fyi trance is not the main genre, try hardhouse/techno/minimal/breaks/hip hop...the list goes on so take your pick...if anything i'd say that breaks and hip hop are in the lead at the moment...sounds to me like he's just jealous of the successes that others are/have had over the years and he's not been part of it....


in the 24 years ive been going as a dj i have seen this type come and go....you can tell the professional dj's from the chaff, its not that hard...


awaiting a not very scathing or accurate reposte......

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in the 24 years ive been going as a dj


I would have thought at least *some* natural talent would have come to the surface by now...


as i said......some "scathing" reposte

By ans' standards, that's damn near complimentary! Believe me, you don't know what 'scathing' is! :P

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in the 24 years ive been going as a dj


I would have thought at least *some* natural talent would have come to the surface by now...


as i said......some "scathing" reposte

By ans' standards, that's damn near complimentary! Believe me, you don't know what 'scathing' is! :P

lol.....ahhh the backhanded compliment......ok then :lol:

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Is God a DJ?


Does he play trance?


As you can't afford a nightclub can you please provide me with a set list of what you would play this weekend if you had limitless cash and could afford your uber club. I'll make it easy and give you a 2 hour set to start. Track listing please.


:rolleyes: Tell me now... you are a dj who prepares a tracklist before your set? I don't. I prepare the first track and maybe the next, but the rest I do live. I mix whatever track I get a feeling for.


Also I can host your sets on my web site so if your up for it, I'm sure we are all eager to hear how you can change the face of the Island's music scene.


Won't cost you a dime....


Thanx for the generous offer. I would actually be very interested, but if you could help me out with this problem first:


I got a couple of my sets recorded onto my computer... which hasn't now worked for a good 6 months! I would also be very interested in hearing some of my mixes; 6 months is a long dry period!


At the end of the day, regardless of my mixes, it's pretty obvious what your response would be. It doesn't really prove much either. You will keep to your argument, I will keep to mine. Thing i've noticed is.. when I say something about my experience in clubbing/djing, you ppl here don't believe me anyway. I expect the same from this post.

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fyi trance is not the main genre, try hardhouse/techno/minimal/breaks/hip hop...the list goes on so take your pick...if anything i'd say that breaks and hip hop are in the lead at the moment...sounds to me like he's just jealous of the successes that others are/have had over the years and he's not been part of it....


in the 24 years ive been going as a dj i have seen this type come and go....you can tell the professional dj's from the chaff, its not that hard...


awaiting a not very scathing or accurate reposte......


Hardhouse & Techno? :o Have you heard of Hard Trance and Tech Trance? As if trance is no where anymore!


Have to say though, this debate about the leading genre is gonna' rage on like a debate about the greatest football team... :lol: Plenty of major clubs playing trance. It's hardly past it's time... though I (as all) admit, it's not as it was during its peak.


so "dj"dan reckons its nothing to do with experience?......what a twat, no wonder he's not a resident

the only thing he's into at the moment is his own asshole.......


Okay... so now you're getting 'personal', I suppose that means you must be winning the argument or making a valid point? LOL


I have my reasons for not being a 'resident'. In life, it all comes down to 'oppurtunity' and 'priorities'. When it comes to djing, I've had neither. One day I may get into it more seriously, but realistically, it looks like I may never get that chance. I've got the talent for sure... but my life has laid another path for the time.

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fyi trance is not the main genre, try hardhouse/techno/minimal/breaks/hip hop...the list goes on so take your pick...if anything i'd say that breaks and hip hop are in the lead at the moment...sounds to me like he's just jealous of the successes that others are/have had over the years and he's not been part of it....


in the 24 years ive been going as a dj i have seen this type come and go....you can tell the professional dj's from the chaff, its not that hard...


awaiting a not very scathing or accurate reposte......


Hardhouse & Techno? :o Have you heard of Hard Trance and Tech Trance? As if trance is no where anymore!


Have to say though, this debate about the leading genre is gonna' rage on like a debate about the greatest football team... :lol: Plenty of major clubs playing trance. It's hardly past it's time... though I (as all) admit, it's not as it was during its peak.


so "dj"dan reckons its nothing to do with experience?......what a twat, no wonder he's not a resident

the only thing he's into at the moment is his own asshole.......


Okay... so now you're getting 'personal', I suppose that means you must be winning the argument or making a valid point? LOL


I have my reasons for not being a 'resident'. In life, it all comes down to 'oppurtunity' and 'priorities'. When it comes to djing, I've had neither. One day I may get into it more seriously, but realistically, it looks like I may never get that chance. I've got the talent for sure... but my life has laid another path for the time.

call it what you will....your not showing any particular experience or reason for others to take your particular advice, and since you have now admitted that you havent had any opportunity to show us your dj'ing prowess your not really qualified to comment on anyones choice of musical output.


of course if heard of hard trance and tech trance, i have some but dont feel the need to pigeon-hole everything.....much as you didnt spot psychedelic trance ("noise" i believe you put it).......

if your trying to look informed about music at least make the effort to get informed, the your in a position to spout off....

as for different direction, i am a father of 2, i have 2 jobs (day and night, admittedly the night one is not all week) am involved in the earth fair here in guernsey, i do an oldskool night and 2 netshows in the week, none of which interrupt my priorities of tending to my kids, so whats the problem?....if you have the talent then for gods sake use it.....actions speak louder than words, so if you want to be taken seriously then do something if your so talented, prove us wrong

i await with baited breath

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call it what you will....your not showing any particular experience or reason for others to take your particular advice, and since you have now admitted that you havent had any opportunity to show us your dj'ing prowess your not really qualified to comment on anyones choice of musical output.


When did I ever say I was a pro/resident dj? I've always taken the same line. But regardless, it has nothing to do with abilities or 'being qualified' to say anything about dance music / clubbing.


of course if heard of hard trance and tech trance, i have some but dont feel the need to pigeon-hole everything.....much as you didnt spot psychedelic trance ("noise" i believe you put it).......

if your trying to look informed about music at least make the effort to get informed, the your in a position to spout off....


I'm not informed in trance? Think I know a lot more than most on the matter.


as for different direction, i am a father of 2, i have 2 jobs (day and night, admittedly the night one is not all week) am involved in the earth fair here in guernsey, i do an oldskool night and 2 netshows in the week, none of which interrupt my priorities of tending to my kids, so whats the problem?....if you have the talent then for gods sake use it.....actions speak louder than words, so if you want to be taken seriously then do something if your so talented, prove us wrong

i await with baited breath


I appreciate that. But as it stands, I haven't yet had chance to get into it (as such).


personal history edited


When I do have a chance and the money... I'll try to get into it. But until now, i really haven't had any.

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