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[BBC News]Man charged after cocaine found


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I know people who take cocaine and they are absolutley loaded with cash.


at least the police are at least saying "look we are catching some people anywya"


personaly ill only be happy once they bust a load of rich people for taking the stuff or indeed encouiraging peopl etake it at their posh parties, but they only ever concentrate on the so called scumm, which is fair enough for a starter.

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Well done the boys in blue. If it keeps just one coke head wanting for a line, it can only be a good thing. I'm sure this will have happened to all of us - you know the scenario - having to try to listen to some boring plonker, snivelling away like a snotty toddler, talking utter nonsense non stop whilst believing he/she is the coolest dude at the party/pub/club/etc and that you should be honoured to listen to his/her drivel, and politely ignoring the stream of spittle coming your way. They should all take up jacking scag and staying in if you ask me.

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/yawn.....I see the drugs are still winning the war on drugs.....It is funny how it is 'OK' for rich and famous people to get coked up, but, when it comes to normal people it is a dirty nasty addiction problem that they must be protected from.

having to try to listen to some boring plonker, snivelling away like a snotty toddler, talking utter nonsense non stop whilst believing he/she is the coolest dude at the party/pub/club/etc and that you should be honoured to listen to his/her drivel, and politely ignoring the stream of spittle coming your way


:lol: how true, give me an E-head any day of the week, at least they are pleasant, unlike drunks and coke heads. Tripping people are the best though, I love the way they find absolutley everything funny and are generally happy people, remind me again why mushrooms are a class A drug? prison for picking fungus, WTF?

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Tripping people are the best though, I love the way they find absolutley everything funny and are generally happy people, remind me again why mushrooms are a class A drug? prison for picking fungus, WTF?


:lol: how true. brings back some good memories from glastonbury a couple of years ago

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From Tony Brown's manifesto:


I also intend early consideration of the practicalities of setting up, under Statute, a dedicated drug enforcement agency with powers to investigate and combat drug importations and sales within the Island.


I hope he does just this and catches some of the people Doric described. It should be possible to interrupt the supply chain to a small island.

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The drug problem is really out of control on the island. So many kids totally messed up getting cheap and I mean cheap kicks out of drugs.I am involved with a kind of youth organisation and the personality change in kids who do drugs is so obvious. I know alot of you guys don't seem to bother with this and treat it as a form of relaxation but I have seen a young girl of 15 with the world at her feet 10 years ago now reduiced to a paranoid skitzo because of Weed.

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but I have seen a young girl of 15 with the world at her feet 10 years ago now reduiced to a paranoid skitzo because of Weed


How can you say it was the weed? millions of people smoke/intake weed and very few turn into 'paranoid skitzos', may I suggest that that side of her personality was already there and was triggered by the stresses of normal life, therefore, regardless of weed intake she would have shown manifestations of paranoid schizophrenia anyway. BTW labelling anybody as a paranoid skitzo is cheap.

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well for what it is worth this is my thoughts


and that is i know people who find that weed stuff is ok and that's fair enough but I have also seen people messded up with that stuff. It may be ok for one person or lots even but there is definitely people that it does harm to. If you agree with it yourself you have to accept that it can be sdangerous for some.


They tell me at work i don't needd it becuase im already there but i think they are just jealous over something else

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Like destiny or fate, or seeking fame, I've never seen the need for drugs etc. in my life. I see these things as diversions - tempting to take me away from who I really am, tempting me to avoid responsibilities or tempting me to 'cosh' a sorry existance rather than do something practical to change it. No thanks.

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What always annoys me about these things is when the police stand there and say they know who the drug dealers are but they have to wait to really nail them and let others go to get the big fish


This isn't fucking London! We're not the hub of some columbian syndicate with 7 year in deep operations... just nail every bastard they find and sooner or later there won't be enough people about who want to touch drugs cause they know they'll be nailed next.


People only deal cause they think they'll get away with it and make quick easy money - they're not heroes

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What always annoys me about these things is when the police stand there and say they know who the drug dealers are but they have to wait to really nail them and let others go to get the big fish


This, presumably, is the point that Tony Brown wished to address with the Drug Enforcement Agency. I take my hat off to him for proposing this. I am not aware of any other MHK who tackled this issue.

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