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[BBC News]Man charged after cocaine found


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in theory I agree with you chops that the legalisation and mainstreaming of these things is probably the way forward but in the context of our current situation I stand by what I said - the best way surely is just to make it so damn awkward and expensive to push and buy drugs that most people don;t bother

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I'm totally with Chopley - booze is harmful too, and there is just little point in trying to legislate people into not doing themselves harm. If they want to, they will.


I frankly don't care if some rich lawyer wants to shovel charlie up his nose either - if he can afford it and is prepared to pay for it, what business is it of mine? Tax the hell out of them and let's at least see some good come of it - just like with cigs and booze

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it's dead easy


I doubt there's a drug dealer on the Island who the police don't suspect/know about - on an Island this small no one has secrets like that and I bet they could happily lay a few arrests on them - they're not exactly the smartest group of individuals


You're talking about 2 seperate cultures here too - in China you have millions of people and mass poverty and mass escapism. Over here you have a lot of people in cushy office jobs who don't want to lose that by having a criminal offence....

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What always annoys me about these things is when the police stand there and say they know who the drug dealers are but they have to wait to really nail them and let others go to get the big fish


This isn't fucking London! We're not the hub of some columbian syndicate with 7 year in deep operations... just nail every bastard they find and sooner or later there won't be enough people about who want to touch drugs cause they know they'll be nailed next.


People only deal cause they think they'll get away with it and make quick easy money - they're not heroes


Totally agree with Rhumsaa.

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If you get rid of the current crop of drug dealers on the island, someone will step in to replace them.


Moreover, there's no one much beyond the category of "middle man" on the IOM, the big boys are all across, you've got to remember that the IOM has a smaller population than an average UK town, we don't really attract major drugs barons.


If every drug dealer on the IOM were arrested and imprisoned tomorrow, the network would be up and running again within a month, all you'd achieve is a massive short-term increase in prices due to the scarcity of drugs.


The "war on drugs" can't be won through prohibition, all prohibtion does is lose the war, whilst giving the defeat a veneer of respectability because it looks like we're doing something about the problem.


Sounds like a start to me - you may never solve the problem worldwide and you may not stop drugs completely but I think consistantly breaking up and hiking up the prices of drugs on the Island would be a damn good start..

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I had this conversation with a friend of mine who has just returned from ten years living in Dubai. He tells me that the Emirates drug policy - life imprisonment for supply - is so tough that it does actually work.


I just hope to God that one of my children never gets their life ruined by one of these filthy drugs. It is, I accept, a complex issue. These substances make their own market through physical and psychological addiction. The thickest people on the planet can make money from pushing them. Even these people, however, don't want to reckon with severe punishment.


It sounds extreme, but I wonder if ten strikes of the birch would stop people dealing for a second time?

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Forgive my ignorance on the subject, but it seems from what people are saying that the end users of these so called recreational drugs appear to have some well educated types in their midst. Perhaps they are happy to use them on occasion and suffer the possibility of any health problems?


Alchohol and tobacco cause more illness and death on this island as everyone knows, and there is no body on here wanting to imprison or birch publicans and tobbaconists for some strange reason? I have lost relatives and friends through smoking and drinking but none through recreational drug use?


Why all the chest beating and pontificating if it is all fuelled by a complete lack of knowledge or understanding of the subject, except for the usual force fed media hype?


I am not advocating any stance either way, but it seems that governments don't like drug taking because it eats into the revenue that they could be making through the sale of alchohol and tobbacco and the subsequent death duties that ensue!

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