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VIDEO cameras will be used on a trial basis to help police in the fight against crime.

Headcam – a small mobile video camera that sits above an officer's ear – will be trialled by the Eastern Neighbourhood Policing Team from Thursday.


It is hoped the camera will have an impact on the number of contested cases, cut anti-social behaviour and reduce the amount of time officers spend on paperwork.


So, now we have normal cctv, vehicle mounted cctv, and now even walking cctv systems - camera madness in Big Brother Island :wacko:

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I kind of like this one cause no longer can the police act inappropriately and have a "their word against yours" situation where the policemans word is always going to hold more weight

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Not being negative on this one but these cameras will fail...


Why I hear you ask?


Because Police Officers will have to be hyper accountable all the time, with what they say, how they say it, when they say it, when they go for a crap, when they nip to the sandwich shop, etc, etc....They will hate it and therefore they will make it fail


There is my prediction.


Let's see if I am right.


Local Skeet

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Do they transmit live video?


If so what a timesaver. Just imagine your local bobby trying out Subway for the first time. He can just point the camera at the menu and his colleagues can radio their orders straight through.


There's probably someone back at the station who can even read the menu for him, he won't have to make a guess based on the pictures.


Excellent idea

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VIDEO cameras will be used on a trial basis to help police in the fight against crime.

Headcam – a small mobile video camera that sits above an officer's ear – will be trialled by the Eastern Neighbourhood Policing Team from Thursday.


It is hoped the camera will have an impact on the number of contested cases, cut anti-social behaviour and reduce the amount of time officers spend on paperwork.


So, now we have normal cctv, vehicle mounted cctv, and now even walking cctv systems - camera madness in Big Brother Island :wacko:

We are rapidly moving from an 'innocent until proven guilty' to a 'suspected or guilty before proven innocent' society.


I dread to think where all this could be leading us, and why more people don't see it as a problem. Collecting information is all very well, but it is what is done with that information, how it is 'joined up', what it is linked to, and who gets access to it that worries me. Knowing what technologies are on the horizon, this is the thin end of an extremely pernicious wedge.


Politicians, and especially ministers, need to remember that the answer to dealing with societies problems is in dealing with the problems of society...and not the creation of a surveillance society or police state, speeded up by terrifying the public into believing that these measures are required. Politicians need to start taking more responsibility for this, and start looking to the long-term to see what sort of society they are currently creating.

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We are rapidly moving from an 'innocent until proven guilty' to a 'suspected or guilty before proven innocent' society.


I dread to think where all this could be leading us, and why more people don't see it as a problem. Collecting information is all very well, but it is what is done with that information, how it is 'joined up', what it is linked to, and who gets access to it that worries me. Knowing what technologies are on the horizon, this is the thin end of an extremely pernicious wedge.


Politicians, and especially ministers, need to remember that the answer to dealing with societies problems is in dealing with the problems of society...and not the creation of a surveillance society or police state, speeded up by terrifying the public into believing that these measures are required. Politicians need to start taking more responsibility for this, and start looking to the long-term to see what sort of society they are currently creating.

Quoted for truth...

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"So... let me just get this straight, Constable. The accused says that you kicked him several times... but we've no evidence to support his accusation because you happened to be scratching your ear at the time....."

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We are rapidly moving from an 'innocent until proven guilty' to a 'suspected or guilty before proven innocent' society.


Quite so. Just this week in the paper we have stories about electronic school registers which automatically call parents, electronic tagging and now minature CCTV cameras on policeman's helmets. First thing on Manx Radio someone from (I think) Douglas Commissioners talked about local enforcement officers having the cameras for a trial.


Can anyone tell me where are we going with all this?

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