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The Great Wall Of Sulby


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I think whilst lot's off folk have said who should or who shouldn't have to pay, I think the all round opinion is that the Tax Payer is getting sick and tired off paying for other peoples fuck ups.

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I feel rather dreadful going off thread somewhat but not as bad as starting a new thread just to make a point that isn't really that important but I feel I really do need to get my statement across




Edited to say:

Anyway, whilst I am here, I was originally going to make a point but feel it would be best left for a couple of weeks and so decided to delete it.


I wonder if Santa will give me a Delete Facility for Christmas, promise not to abuse it.

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The central issue is that these houses should never have been built. Most local people know the bullshit that flew around at the time. There remains quite a lot of land available in Sulby for development so why pass planning to build an estate on a flood plain? In this case it seems that - as usual - its the good old tax payer who puts his hands in his pockets.


Another prime example: A few years ago we had an estate near us turned down twice, but the developers went to appeal and won. It was thrown out the second time because the existing services could not support the increased sewerage etc. At appeal they got planning despite this being proven - three years later the taxpaying mugs stumped up for the roads around the entrance of the estate to be dug up and new sewerage pipes to be put in because of complaints. In the meantime the developer has f**ed off with a few million in his ass pocket. I think we are getting used to calling these sort of incidents "Manx muddles" because you can never work out where the line between total f**king incompetence and overt dodgy practice is.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Right here goes.


The Mill Race estate was built on a flood plain as we all know.


The permission was granted by the then Minister of planning former ramsey MHK Terry Groves, what is it with Ramsey MHK's and building sites :rolleyes:


The property's were then built and sold through a certain estate agents.


I was also told that a certain MHK was a silent partner off the company that built the houses.


This is what i was told from a certain sulby rate payer.


make of it what you will


Isn't this chap looking for a pace on the Legislative Council?

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The Sulby Millrace estate was built on the mill race that once provided water for the waterwheel at Glen Kella Mill. What about the new coastal defences in Michael for the new estate? Not much being done for the adjacent land. When you drain wetlands, alter river courses and concrete over green fields you are asking for floods. That is becoming obvious everytime we get heavy rain, even in places that didn't used to be underwater.

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Ah, yes. But nowadays you have a ready-made get-out clause for things like that. It's called 'global warming.'

"Honest, Guv...there's no way we could have predicted people ignoring the obvious signs. If only they'd stopped putting so much crap into the atmosphere these houses would have been fine. No, really!"

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