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Fair Or Unfarepak - R U Protesting At Hbos Douglas?


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It never ceases to amaze me the knobs that come out with all this bullshit.


HBOS here is a subsidiary of HBOS UK it does mortgages, and it takes in money that it lends back to HBOS UK. Do you think that any of the staff in the IOM would give a flying fortress about a bunch of numpties that turn up to protest at Farepack? Not in the slightest. They couldn't give a toss. Nor should they. There is no direct link, its only a subsidiary company with its own IOM Board that is not directly connected with the UK Board.


Here's the news if your a Farepack customer. The European company that owned it pissed all the money away. The bank were approached to bail the company out by lenmding more money. It didn't because it was a shit idea that threw good money after bad. That is business.


Seems to me that people should ask why this company was having problems in the firstplace, not why it was not lent more money to keep it afloat!

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Don't banks have a responsibility to protect the funds of their depositors that are used to make these loans in the first place? Imagine the hue and cry if a bank went bust because it was busy propping up lame ducks like Farepak? And who puts "all their savings" into a Christmas club - only idiots

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exactly....so why should IOM Newspapers be encouranging smart people (who save with a bank etc) to help those (as Stookie says "idiots") who put their money in a savings club?? IMO they deserve what they get...nothing


I don't think you can class Farepak customers as "idiots" they were very unfortunate but they were not stupid. Many of them didn't want to run up huge credit card debts, rightly saved via Farepak and got kicked in the balls for trying to be prudent. Personally I wouldn't touch these sort of clubs with a bargepole, but then thankfully I don't have to. Other people are not that fortunate and tried to do their best. But they are not idiots.


Ever since Arthur Fowler diddled Albert Square out of the Christmas Club money these schemes have been doomed. They usually profit out of other peoples misfortune. Its just loan sharking under another name.

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Has no one on the Island heard of Credit Unions ?

I seem to remember some well meaning people tried to get one off the ground but werent really too successful.

Credit Unions work well but need the services of professional people such as lawyers and accountants to put them on a sound footing and get them properly started.

This is something the Trade Unions and the MLP should be promoting. Maybe then people wouldnt have to resort to saving club schemes such as FarePak.

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seems like a very good idea..so why aren't there any set-up over here???


Why do you always start your posts with a question, rather than getting an answer yourself and having a debate around it?


Maybe credit unions dissolve on Manx soil due to environmental conditions. That is why there aren't any.

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