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Castlemona Gone Into Liquidation


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I think over the last couple of years, the place has just run a loose ship.

With tighter management and people in control with good income generation skills, the place would not be on it's arse.

And isn't it funny how the person in charge when it went under is in the running for buying it!

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I think over the last couple of years, the place has just run a loose ship.

With tighter management and people in control with good income generation skills, the place would not be on it's arse.

And isn't it funny how the person in charge when it went under is in the running for buying it!


Can't say I agree. The days of anyone making any money out of the tourist industry here are long since gone. This will be the first of a few to shut. Its sad but true, and the people should face the reality of the situation. Nobody wants to come here. There is nothing to do when they do.


More to the point why buy this when the Gov are inducing a developer to stick an even bigger modern hotel complex on the Bus Station, and your not getting the turnover you want to stay afloat now? It just does not make economic sense to keep this as a hotel, even less if the Bus Station complex goes ahead.

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The hotel wasn't bringing in much income, to my knowledge it was breeze and the bowling holding the place together, the office did bring in some money but only when you had the likes of "A little bitta Rosie" (shameless plug for a band I really like, but it was rammed when they were playing!)and a few other popular local bands on.


As you would expect there were very little guest bookings in the hotel during the winter. I used to get on really well with the management team a couple of years back, we had some great ideas of play and stay deals for those who wanted to go out for a night out. for £20 you could have a bed for the night and admission to breeze (if you wanted to or not, it wasn't compulsory). Next day you could wake up at your leisure and drive home when you were ready.


It was a good offer which i'm sure loads of people would have taken up. It was one of many ideas that would have made better use of the facility. It was a management team that worked closely with it's promoters and staff to bring in the possible best for the place. that management team at that time got sacked for some sort of funny buisness which I know wasn't them. Probably the same funny business that has caused what we are faced with now.


The team I have been working with at breeze over the past couple of years have been excellent but it has been an underfunded operation for quite some time, probably because the income was being absorbed into the hotel or some other project.

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we had some great ideas of play and stay deals for those who wanted to go out for a night out. for £20 you could have a bed for the night and admission to breeze (if you wanted to or not, it wasn't compulsory). Next day you could wake up at your leisure and drive home when you were ready.


That's if you could wake up after a night out in Breeze at your leisure - assuming some chav hadn't tried to put you in casualty with an empty bottle of WKD.



The team I have been working with at breeze over the past couple of years have been excellent but it has been an underfunded operation for quite some time



You cannot run any sort of quality hotel package linking it to Breeze. I appreciate your connection and dedication but for many people the place was a dump that you went to because the music was good, but lets not kid ourselves that the average Breeze punter was not a pissed up nob looking for trouble and that you were often lucky to see the night through without some sort of fracas.


It it was so safe why all the bouncers?

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off topic a bit:


Admittedly it is probably the onslaught of middle age, but I avoid any premises that feel there is a need to have a bouncer.


Imagine my disappointment when I went to the Rovers the other weekend, to be met by a scowling beefy bouncer on the door.

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Imagine my disappointment when I went to the Rovers the other weekend, to be met by a scowling beefy bouncer on the door.


I know. What is going on there? I've never seen any trouble in the Rovers (I say I've never seen any trouble at Rovers!)


Obviously its a sign of the times but not good when a boozer like that has monkey's on the door.

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The hotel wasn't bringing in much income, to my knowledge it was breeze and the bowling holding the place together


As you would expect there were very little guest bookings in the hotel during the winter. I used to get on really well with the management team a couple of years back, we had some great ideas of play and stay deals for those who wanted to go out for a night out. for £20 you could have a bed for the night and admission to breeze (if you wanted to or not, it wasn't compulsory). Next day you could wake up at your leisure and drive home when you were ready.


Not sure the bowling alley made any money - it was gradually falling apart and not being maintained. Shame that when you think of the rah rah when it opened :(


As for providing a doss house for piss artists to sleep it off? Who's going to replace all the beds after a couple of weeks of that? Rooms stinking of drink cigarette smoke and vomit? Very appealing.


Anyway, as the government can't run a government, who thinks they'd be any good at running a hotel? The chief minister could sell them a few new vacuum cleaners though :)

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A lot of people say breeze is a dump, toffs was a dump, Jimmy B's was a dump.... It's the way you shape your night in these places.

You normally find those who don't go there are those that assume it's full of chavs etc, Like all places you have your good people and you have your chavs. breeze was a 7 night operation and over the last 2 years has had less trouble in those 7 days than other places have had in the period of Fri/Sat.

There was a bigger security presence there than other clubs, down to the fact that some were working the office til 1am and finished there shift with an hour or two at the hotel/breeze.


Not saying the place doesn't have it's troubles but it does get tarnished with a brush that isn't as wet as some people think.

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