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Castlemona Gone Into Liquidation


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Examiner says:-

Estate Agents Colliers Robert Barry were on the day of teh closure advertising the hotel for sale on the internet priced at £4m threshold. The sale wa sto include the bar, bowling centre an dnightclub. Described as a 'landmark hotel complex' the deatils say the hotel is a 'superb money spinner showing net turnover of £2.4m with hugh potential for growth'

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Examiner says:-

Estate Agents Colliers Robert Barry were on the day of teh closure advertising the hotel for sale on the internet priced at £4m threshold. The sale wa sto include the bar, bowling centre an dnightclub. Described as a 'landmark hotel complex' the deatils say the hotel is a 'superb money spinner showing net turnover of £2.4m with hugh potential for growth'


Its meaningless. It could turn over £10m but if its costing you £10m in overheads the profit is a big fat ZERO.


Since when can you ever believe a word an estate agent says.

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Why did they close the Castle Mona?! I hope it isn't going to be allowed to be turned into yet more apartments. There is a lack of things for kids to do on the island as it is without them closing another thing for them to do. All these complaints that there is too much annoyance crime where kids are found in bus shelters getting drunk and causing trouble - isn't it a wonder?!


I hope someone will keep it open and just revamp it into this century - the bowling alley was very out dated and could do with some tender loving care to encourage people to go more often.


Which brings me to the Cinema - I mean really...it is not good at all...it needs gutting out and starting again by adding some more screens for a start to perhaps do a semi "easy-cinema" effort so you can get more than just a couple of films at a time most of which are rubbish. Could you see them doing OAP Monday's showing some good classics with a nice cuppa tea or a kids Saturday that gives them a choice of a couple of films? There is so much potential that the cinema is not using with only having two screens for a start and having a terrible location.


Its gone bust. That's what usually happens when the liquidators go in.


And as for a cinema. That will really pay the debts off won't it. Another bloody cinema when the one at the Palace is not at capacity and could hardly provide a return on the investment you suggest. Any more bright ideas for pissing more money down the drain?


Are you some finance sector genius or what?



Well obviously it has gone bust or it wouldn't have closed.


Well what I would have suggested is that the Palace should be pulled down as it is in a terrible location on the the prom. The Castle Mona would be a great place for a new complex with not just a cinema with more than two screens but also all kinds of entertainment opportunites. I think the place really just needs a massive revamp on the inside as it is quite dated like a lot of things that don't get use.


I would imagine that most people would go on a trip to Liverpool for a day so they can have a nice time out and perhaps go to a cinema that is actually worth going to. What you want on the island is to keep people here to spend their money rather than going across and how do you do that without investment in the things you already have?


Oh and I am not a finance sector genius - I just think we should have more things for people to do on the island rather than admitting defeat by saying yes go away to have fun because you are not going to get it here.

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You are assuming that the Palace and Castle Mona are part of the same complex, they are not. As far as I recall the Palace Cinema is now owned by another big hotel company (Empress or Sefton, can't remember which).


Agree with your sentiments though.

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You are assuming that the Palace and Castle Mona are part of the same complex, they are not. As far as I recall the Palace Cinema is now owned by another big hotel company (Empress or Sefton, can't remember which).


Agree with your sentiments though.



Oh I know they are not owned by the same people but I still think they should knock the palace down and actually have investment in a cinema that shows more than just the rubbish tat all the time - there is a lot of potential not used to get people going to the cinema on a regular basis.

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Well what I would have suggested is that the Palace should be pulled down as it is in a terrible location on the the prom. The Castle Mona would be a great place for a new complex with not just a cinema with more than two screens but also all kinds of entertainment opportunites.


They're only a few hundred yards apart. :blink:


I would imagine that most people would go on a trip to Liverpool for a day so they can have a nice time out and perhaps go to a cinema that is actually worth going to.


I doubt it. I would imagine most people wait for the DVD, or download it from the internet, to watch in the comfort of their own home on their big TVs with surround sound. Everyone says how great cinema is, but I really don't see the attraction of sitting in regimented seats with no legroom in silence, surrounded by people you don't know or like, with no access to food and drink that doesn't cost you a week's wages watching a film you can't pause if you want to go for a piss. In fact, it's fair to say I'd probably prefer to be a winnet cleaner in a brothel than go to the cinema (*)


Seriously, you actually know people who would pay ~£25 per person plus tickets to go watch the latest craptacular Hollywood blockbuster?


(*) This is a lie

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Personally I'd rather wait for the DVD or download it from the internet and watch it on my big tele at home.


Ah but wouldnt you miss that loooonatic bloke who works in there who seems to have no concept of how to regulate the volume of his voice or indeed control his limbs?????


On second thoughts...DVD it is then!

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Ah but wouldnt you miss that loooonatic bloke who works in there who seems to have no concept of how to regulate the volume of his voice or indeed control his limbs?????


Nah it's the lunatic old lady who shouts at you to stop using your mobile while you are really just getting it out to turn it off. Or simply refuses to let you find your own seat even thout they are indexed like D6 and D7.


If that's someones gran by the way - sorry to have called her a lunatic!

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you should have seen him when he worked at Stead & Simpsons...


He is epileptic which... well.... I dunno if that effects the way he is at all but I know some people have adverse reactions to the medications... usually clams them down to be fair

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