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Full-on! - Update

Deejay Denzel

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Well as you all may have heard, the Castlemona is having a massive case at the moment. So obviously Full-on! are in a situation beyond our control.

We would all like to think that things will be sorted soon and things will all be back up and running but I don't think it will be any time soon.

If you haven't heard, the Whole place is closed until further notice due to the company heading into liquidation.


Big thank-you to everyone that attends our events and hopefully something solid can be found in the near future.

On behalf of myself, Ricky...... The guys at Funktonic and the promotional team behind the Sundissential night, we can only apologise and hope to bring some glimmer of entertainment as soon as we can.


On the plus side, Paramount is open Fridays on the run up to Christmas and I will be on the Decks in the Dark Room Tomorrow. Would be nice to see a few faces and if Full-on! was your Friday night thing then transfer yourselves that little extra distance. See how Friday's there go.


Ricky Rooney

(Promoter - Full-on!)

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Not looking good for the club scene on the Isle of Man...


I guess you have to ask yourself why so many clubs seem to close. I know it's out of their hands in this instance, but maybe for others it's simply because dance clubs are not what the vast majority of people want. After all, if they were that well supported and attended, none of the clubs would want to close.

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Bollox the venue was packed breeze was packed paramount gets packed you can't get to the bar in colours when was the last time you left your computer?

It's true that Paramount gets packed - on a Saturday night! Whenever they've tried opening on a Friday (even since the Venue closed) it's been a disaster with the place still more or less empty ay midnight and having to close.

Also, since it went to over-21, Colours is nowhere near as packed as it used to be. It will be interesting to see whether the fans of Breeze will transfer to Paramount. From my point of view I obviously hope so - but I've a feeling that its going to be a lot more people finding things to do at home at the weekends.

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Bollox the venue was packed breeze was packed paramount gets packed you can't get to the bar in colours when was the last time you left your computer?


So why have clubs continued to close over the years? Because if they were making money surely they'd still be open and a wise investment.

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Bollox the venue was packed breeze was packed paramount gets packed you can't get to the bar in colours


If they were that packed, and generated that much money, they wouldn't close. Simple economics.


when was the last time you left your computer?


You do appreciate the irony of using an internet message board to try to ridicule someone else for using an internet message board? Good.

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So why have clubs continued to close over the years? Because if they were making money surely they'd still be open and a wise investment.


I guess they dont make much on bottled water for pillheads.

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The dance scene has declined over the last few years, and as a result The Venue's business wasn't based on dance music, it was based on cheesy pop (but I guess that's a pedantic point). It was packed every Saturday night, but no matter what they tried they couldn't get anybody through the doors on a Friday. I'm not sure if they were making a profit or not (probably not), but regardless, the building was always going to make more money as apartments, as would pretty much anything else.


Other than that the only other club-type place that's actually closed is Jeffersons / Vibe / Passion ... which bizarrely keeps re-opening.

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After visiting the intial bars e.g. Strand 58, Havana.. there is now only really one place to visit after these for the 18-20year old group of people, and that's the Outback.


Paramount and Colours are both 21+ and the Outback is the only other place people tended to go to apart from Breeze which is now closed.


Don't think I'm going to want to go to the Outback on a Saturday night now....it's going to be even more full/hot as normal!

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