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Planning Decisions

Tempus Fugit

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Announced on the MR news today that Minister Rimmington has overturned a planning refusal for a development.


Mr Rimmington is no longer Minister, no longer MHK, so when did he make the decision ?


If the decision was made before the election, why was it only released today ?


It would be political suicide to release it just before an election, but did the electorate decide on his fate from previous planning matters that they didn't like how they were decided.


Was the decision made to find a home for the HMI unit rather than find a better place for it.


I see this as cynical manipulation of the government system, and the ex-Minister got what he deserved.

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Announced on the MR news today that Minister Rimmington has overturned a planning refusal for a development.


Mr Rimmington is no longer Minister, no longer MHK, so when did he make the decision ?


If the decision was made before the election, why was it only released today ?


It would be political suicide to release it just before an election, but did the electorate decide on his fate from previous planning matters that they didn't like how they were decided.


Was the decision made to find a home for the HMI unit rather than find a better place for it.


I see this as cynical manipulation of the government system, and the ex-Minister got what he deserved.


Would it be a nice retirement "backhander" ?

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Just who are these 'independant planning inspectors'?


Where are their offices?


How do you become one?


Are there any jobs going spare?


That job must be a real money spinner for some - It would be interesting to the accounts and bank deposits for some of them dont you think?


The system over here is just plain stupid.


Its intersting to see that most of the new seats gained over here were in areas with planning issues, either still in the planning stage, or have some large planning issues gone/going through. I never got to see many manifestos for those areas, (other than M and S) who hinted at some sort of restrictions on re-submitting plans that have been turned down for, up to 5 years.


This seems a reasonable idea - with some limitations - could work.

It just depends whos pockets are the deepest.

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Just who are these 'independant planning inspectors'?


Where are their offices?


The Independant Inspector is employed from the UK, he or she would be a person that has no direct link to the Island. Thier decision would be made on evidence provided from the Developers and that of the objectors, he or she may be pushed one way if a recomendation came from the Government Department in control.


Any decision that they would reach would have no impact at all to them or thier own standards of living. :huh:

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Mr Rimington is still DoLGE minister until Tynwald has approved Chief Minister Browns new appointmenst


The planning inspectors are inspectors from UK, brought over to deal witrh appeals under the manx System. Thye get paid a daily fee for sitting and hearing evidence. I have apperaed in front of one or two. Thyey know their planning stuff and I have never been aware of any perverseness in their decision making. Thye advise thye minister who then sometimes adopts their reccomendations aor sometimes rejects it and substitutes his own.


Sometimes we have to accept, in the current system there might be a larger political picture.

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The new Ministers have already moved into thier new positions within the Government, and have been sitting in department meetings this week prior to the decision being released by Mr Rimington who by the way is no longer a Government employee.

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it's not the independant inspectors who are perverse, it's the minister, with probably no qualifications in planning or local government who overturns experts' decisions, which makes it perverse, why bother with the IE's at all if he's only going to do what he wants in the end.

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The new Ministers have already moved into thier new positions within the Government, and have been sitting in department meetings this week prior to the decision being released by Mr Rimington who by the way is no longer a Government employee.


was he ever a government employee?


has Tynwald approved his successors nomination yet, because that is all they it is until hr is approved.


Until they are approved the last Minister is technically still in office


No doubt the new boys are trying out the deskd for size in anticipation.

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My experience of the planning system here, and I use the term 'planning' very losely, is that it takes no account of individual or local authority opinion and wishes whatsoever but panders to the whims and greed of the developers. In my own experience, planning permission was refused twice, by independant inspectors - and then suddenly overturned by the minister - no reason, no accountability - dare I suggest just a brown envelope?

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It stinks, and makes you wonder what the hell he thought he was doing.


This is a man who claimed to be concerned for the environment whacking this through at the last possible hour.


maybe just sour grapes at being voted out .... maybe not

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