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Another Crackpot Dictator Bites The Dust


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2006 is turning out to be a good year for disposing of the rubbish! Pinochet and Niyazov are already gone. All we need now is for Castro to pop his clogs, Saddam to be executed, Mugabe to fall into a threshing machine and Gadaffi to be assassinated by the Bulgarians and my holiday season will be complete.


Vive la revolucion! :)

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2006 is turning out to be a good year for disposing of the rubbish! Pinochet and Niyazov are already gone. All we need now is for Castro to pop his clogs, Saddam to be executed, Mugabe to fall into a threshing machine and Gadaffi to be assassinated by the Bulgarians and my holiday season will be complete.


Vive la revolucion! :)


Castro is a top man, and Cuba is a wonderful place - not a Mcd's or KFC in sight!


I can't imagine how much it would be spoiled when the yanks pile in after his demise.


Maybe a celebration would be due if Bush JR had an accident, or Thatcher popped her clogs, but it will be a day of sadness when one of the few leaders to actually be successful standing up against the march of US imperialism passes away!

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Castro is a top man, and Cuba is a wonderful place - not a Mcd's or KFC in sight!


I can't imagine how much it would be spoiled when the yanks pile in after his demise.


Maybe a celebration would be due if Bush JR had an accident, or Thatcher popped her clogs, but it will be a day of sadness when one of the few leaders to actually be successful standing up against the march of US imperialism passes away!


Share the sentiments about US imperialism and I will be the first in the queue to dance (or worse) on both Bush and Thatcher's graves, but would have to disagree about Cuba. Nice place to visit certainly, but have you ever lived there? Perhaps '1 Guantanamo Bay' is the worst address, but most Cuban's aren't exactly 'living it up' either...

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Castro is a top man, and Cuba is a wonderful place - not a Mcd's or KFC in sight!


I can't imagine how much it would be spoiled when the yanks pile in after his demise.


Maybe a celebration would be due if Bush JR had an accident, or Thatcher popped her clogs, but it will be a day of sadness when one of the few leaders to actually be successful standing up against the march of US imperialism passes away!


Share the sentiments about US imperialism and I will be the first in the queue to dance (or worse) on both Bush and Thatcher's graves, but would have to disagree about Cuba. Nice place to visit certainly, but have you ever lived there? Perhaps '1 Guantanamo Bay' is the worst address, but most Cuban's aren't exactly 'living it up' either...


I would agree that many Cubans aren't exactly 'living it up', but none of them are starving, and they have a national health service that is probably miles ahead of what's available in the UK!


Rhummsaa - unfortunately I don't get any Cuban cigars - maybe I should write to Fidel - the pic in my avatar was taken in the depature lounge at Havana (not the nightclub), - so you're spot on with your observations!

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  • 2 weeks later...


2006 is turning out to be a good year for disposing of the rubbish! Pinochet and Niyazov are already gone. All we need now is for Castro to pop his clogs, Saddam to be executed, Mugabe to fall into a threshing machine and Gadaffi to be assassinated by the Bulgarians and my holiday season will be complete.


Vive la revolucion! :)


Can now tick Saddam off the list now as well, but I guess Castro, Gadaffi and Mugabe will have to be moved to my wish list for 2007... unless Fate is feeling particularly capricious this evening!


Happy New Year! :)

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Castro is a top man, and Cuba is a wonderful place - not a Mcd's or KFC in sight!


I can't imagine how much it would be spoiled when the yanks pile in after his demise.


Maybe a celebration would be due if Bush JR had an accident, or Thatcher popped her clogs, but it will be a day of sadness when one of the few leaders to actually be successful standing up against the march of US imperialism passes away!


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2006 is turning out to be a good year for disposing of the rubbish! Pinochet and Niyazov are already gone. All we need now is for Castro to pop his clogs, Saddam to be executed, Mugabe to fall into a threshing machine and Gadaffi to be assassinated by the Bulgarians and my holiday season will be complete.


Vive la revolucion! :)


Can now tick Saddam off the list now as well, but I guess Castro, Gadaffi and Mugabe will have to be moved to my wish list for 2007... unless Fate is feeling particularly capricious this evening!


Happy New Year! :)

Don't Blair on any lists?

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2006 is turning out to be a good year for disposing of the rubbish! Pinochet and Niyazov are already gone. All we need now is for Castro to pop his clogs, Saddam to be executed, Mugabe to fall into a threshing machine and Gadaffi to be assassinated by the Bulgarians and my holiday season will be complete.


Vive la revolucion! :)


Can now tick Saddam off the list now as well, but I guess Castro, Gadaffi and Mugabe will have to be moved to my wish list for 2007... unless Fate is feeling particularly capricious this evening!


Happy New Year! :)


I'm certainly not going to say Saddam wasn't a 'nasty piece of work', but at least when he was in power Iraq was a very secular country, there were no battles between the local christian and moslem 'sects'.


I'm glad in some ways to see he isn't running the country anymore, but much admit I would be much happier if the royal 'we' could have replaced him with something better than civil war.


Bush JR is just trying to 'finish the job' that his old man couldn't, all I can see turning up out of this shitstorm is the US/UK pulling out, letting the Iraqis crack on with a civil war, supply weapons/intelligence to the most likely 'winners' in return for cheap oil.


Surely Bush JR must be on your wishlist of crackpot dictators???


Please remove Castro from your list though, he maybe a dictator - but not in the same league as the other cretins you've mentioned!!!!


(He's a benevolent dictator!!!!)

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I'm certainly not going to say Saddam wasn't a 'nasty piece of work', but at least when he was in power Iraq was a very secular country, there were no battles between the local christian and moslem 'sects'.


I'm glad in some ways to see he isn't running the country anymore, but much admit I would be much happier if the royal 'we' could have replaced him with something better than civil war.


Bush JR is just trying to 'finish the job' that his old man couldn't, all I can see turning up out of this shitstorm is the US/UK pulling out, letting the Iraqis crack on with a civil war, supply weapons/intelligence to the most likely 'winners' in return for cheap oil.


Surely Bush JR must be on your wishlist of crackpot dictators???


Please remove Castro from your list though, he maybe a dictator - but not in the same league as the other cretins you've mentioned!!!!


(He's a benevolent dictator!!!!)



Would agree that everyone involved in the Iraq debacle should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. GWB is certainly at the top of that list and per my earlier posting I would be first in the queue to dance on his grave. The idealist in me would like to think that once the head had been cut off the Iraqis should have been left to sort things out among themselves in 2003 and might not have ended up in the mess they are now. However, given the deep sectarian divides the realist in me isn't so sure. The Brits have a lot to answer for in the way Iraq was originally carved out - more for cartographic convenience than cultural sensitivity by all accounts. Not really sure that unravelling it now is a likely outcome - can you imagine the Kurds, Sunnis and Shias coming to an amicable agreement over repartitioning?


As far as Castro goes, I'll offer him a quick death in his sleep. Would that appease? I'm still of the opinion that anyone who clings onto power too long is pandering to their own ego, following whims and ultimately stifling their country's progress (Blair - take note). Unfortunately the cult of personality invariably overpowers the central principles of socialist ideology, almost as a reaction to the subversion of the individual to the greater good of the people. And you know what they say about absolute power...


Mugabe is still destined for the threshing machine though :)

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