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Jfk Night


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As promised we stated that we would try to provide something the island has been missing for a while, what did you think of the night, the dj's, what tunes stood out for you?


Our favourite track - Alex Morph vs Rank 1 - Live Less ordinary.


Favourite random - The guy who spend the night convincing all the dj's to let him mc........on a trance set :blink:


Oh and JFK still doing one more (despite being asked not to) at five past three and watching the manager sweating cos of the police outside..... :lol:

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As promised we stated that we would try to provide something the island has been missing for a while, what did you think of the night, the dj's, what tunes stood out for you?


Our favourite track - Alex Morph vs Rank 1 - Live Less ordinary.


Favourite random - The guy who spend the night convincing all the dj's to let him mc........on a trance set :blink:


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?? shocking.


Oh and JFK still doing one more (despite being told not to do so) at five past three and watching the manager sweating with the police outside..... :lol:


Absolute classic. :lol:

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It was a good night, a few too many classics from JFK for my liking but Hoff, Pippy & Degs...superb!


Yeah JFK did say he was going to play quite a few classics and create a party vibe, thanks for your support.


You did well to remember who played what as when i seen you, you were asleep !


Also, do you now remember gnasher is a dog, not a cat? Shame you didn't take the £100 bet :rolleyes:


For those of you that want some memories or those who didn't go and want to see what all the fuss is about to see the pictures use this link... http://www.clubiom.co.uk/Gallery.htm

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I never manged to go.... but.... Does anyone think the dancefloor is too lit up.... That is the only thing that makes me hesitant of the place... I dont care bout the rest of the establishment, just the dancefloor. Like Breeze, Outback, paramount, venue... all were dark... which gives the GOBOS and lasers good room for show.


It was not as bad as a normal night there, we had a lot of the surrond lights off, and the dancefloor was kept minimal really, only things permanenlty on was the laser and soundsystem, JFK said when to lighten the room up etc, as they had to be done manually :huh:


Shame you could not make it, maybe see you at the next one though ;)

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Just in case you haven't checked - the pictures are up on ClubIoM Gallery and I have some CD's available at the usual place for anyone who wants one. Sadly, the CD is only 50 mins long and only 10 of those are JFK - but hey - in the heat of the moment - these things happen! :rolleyes:


Enjoy! [when's the next one?]

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