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[BBC News] Motorists views sought on parking


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as much as I enjoy being baited you're pretty much correct


Sad but true. Ramsey should think about generating demand before it thinks about potential parking problems.


Its dying on its arse and nobody out of the area would shop there so what is the problem with parking. I've never had a problem parking in Ramsey in my life.

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I don't think it's specific to Ramsey - at the end of the day all the big shops and facilities are in Douglas so if you live near there why go elsewhere?


Bluntly I was trying to make a point.


If I lived in ramsey I'd be pretty angry about how its been neglected by everyone in the last 25 years. They get angry about saving a bloody victorian pier when they should get angry about the way its been allowed to fester when everywhere else (except Peel) has dramatically improved.


You wouldn't open a shop their by choice, unless there was guaranteed local interest.

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I see your point but in all honesty I don't think it's unique to Ramsey, which was the point I was making.


I'm angry with our local commissioners currently as they spend all their time in petty squabbles amongst themselves rather than moving forward.


I think we have hit a catch 22 situation in that what Ramsey needs is a new investment - something that has so much pull that people go there for that alone and the spill out benefits our town. If anything we're victims of not having enough notable history. I go to Peel, Castletown and Port Erin/Port St Mary on occasion - I don't go there for their shops I go there for the Castle/Museum/Sound etc... Ramsey has a neglected pier and the Grove museum. Hardly top class attractions in anyones book. I suspect the one thing we have going for us is the Mooragh Park which is a lovely place on a sunny day but realistically we don't get that many sunny days! and geographically the park is perhaps too far away from the shops to make a stroll into Ramsey centre worthwhile.


I'm not going to slag off my MHK's of today or 25 years ago when I can't think of a better solution. I guess that's what they're for but until we find a business willing to take a huge gamble and invest outside of Douglas or get investment from the Govt I doubt much will change and we'll continue to die.


I can sense another "we should have taken the marina" call coming but from my memory of those plans it was a backdoor way to build flats etc on land for free take a huge profit and do one in the developers favour.

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I see your point but in all honesty I don't think it's unique to Ramsey, which was the point I was making.


Its pretty unique in that the census says its the only place on the whole Island that has lost residents as the population has grown. That is something that the commissioners and anyone else can't ignore. Nobody wants to live there even when the economy is growing.


A marina is probably a cheap way of hiding a housing and flat development, but the figures seem to suggest that this is what ramsey needs.


The commissioners never cease to amaze me. Its the only place thats losing people - so they are losing out on rates etc - and all they can do is moan and slag each other off about matters of no relevance whatsoever.

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I agree with you about the insanity of the commissioners arguing over nothing while we have bigger fish to fry but it's not like we've lost a huge number of people - it's 10 or something isn't it? and to be fair that has to be expected when the vast majority of office jobs are in Douglas - why move 16 miles away from work etc? you're fighting a bigger issue than a new marina there

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According to Manx Radio today:


Ramsey motorists are bracing themselves for changes to the town’s parking in Parliament Street.

The Department of Transport has given three options to Ramsey commissioners after the flow of traffic was reversed.

The plans will be discussed at the next board’s meeting in January, but more public consultation will take place before any traffic orders are made.

Anybody with views has until January 19 to write to the Department of Transport or email enquiries@rtc.gov.im


That's the second item that's mentioned 'three options' without stating what they are. Does anyone know?

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That's the second item that's mentioned 'three options' without stating what they are. Does anyone know?


1. No change (don't like change yessir!).


2. Move parking over to the other side of the street (should have been done in the first place).


3. Take away the lights and reverse the flow to how it was (oops, our bad!).

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dear god don't get rid of the lights... I mean it is a royal pain in the chuff at times but it is a better system on average I'd say and we have enough trouble with people driving the wrong way now - changing it again would be madness

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That's the second item that's mentioned 'three options' without stating what they are. Does anyone know?


There are three ridiculously technical options, along the lines of "58 spaces on this side, six on the other, 9am to 5pm or 60 spaces on that side, four on this, 8.30am to 6pm". I can't see it'll make much difference - the place needs inward investment of any sort rather than a different parking system. Parking isn't the reason I don't shop in Ramsey :)

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