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Mf Chav Patrol


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All this talk lately about the chav issue makes me think we have the perfect balance in the forum to tackle the issue with the final solution of "Chav Patrol"


DjDan can be the eyes and ears moving through the crowds of chavs under the fool proof cover of a Trance DJ busting out some hardcore choons and reporting activity to MFCP HQ


Fast action response can be ChopleyTurnip in his wheels of steel - fueled by a hatred of chavs and already given up on the system due to his speeding charges you can be sure he'll out run any souped up Nova Chav Wagon.


Muscle can come in the form of Cret with his specialist weapon made from knackered laptops which he wields 2 handed to make any chav cap armour useless in defence from his onslaught.


Declan can be PR officer in charge of putting out false press releases to cover the identity of the MFCP...


It can't fail

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Yeah that could work - you could go undercover as a chav and infiltrate their dens passing back information to the hit squad


Just make sure you resist the Chavettes charms

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Declan can be PR officer in charge of putting out false press releases to cover the identity of the MFCP...


You forget I'm a Liberal PC do-gooder. I can't be party to vigilanteeism.


Unless your aim is simply to check on the welfare of the misunderstood young rapscallions and treat them to ice creams and foreign holidays, I'll have to decline your offer.

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DjDan can be the eyes and ears moving through the crowds of chavs under the fool proof cover of a Trance DJ busting out some hardcore choons and reporting activity to MFCP HQ


:blink: *runs off to hunt through record box*


aye, ready! :rolleyes:

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GREAT IDEAS here!! I like it.


DJ DAN, y'can use our establishment to coax the chavs into. I'll give the special signal.... you whack on Tiestos ADAGIO FOR STRINGS. This will bring a sense of euphoria to the crowd...


Ah... never beats the original Ferry Corsten remix of William Orbit's rendition. Tiesto only tried to imitate his better counterpart. :o

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I'm not sure a 1993 Vauxhall Carlton automatic will be much use in a chase, but it is a big heavy bastard of a thing, so if someone can line the chavs up and keep them still for a moment, I could probably take a fair few out in one fell swoop.


We could give it a Burberry paint job to make it a "Chavalier"




Stick some blue lights underneath and fit a boom box in the boot and you'd be like the Pied Piper for all chavs in the immediate area. Once they came near, its a blanket over the head and straight in the boot for a good punching!

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I'm not sure a 1993 Vauxhall Carlton automatic will be much use in a chase, but it is a big heavy bastard of a thing, so if someone can line the chavs up and keep them still for a moment, I could probably take a fair few out in one fell swoop.

mcb will mark the targets with a large cross, drawn on their backs, with white dog shit.

(Oops, sorry... forgot djdan was on board.... make that a large circle.)

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Can i join? I can be like "Face" from the A Team.

oohh oohh me to,i can be a white B.A with a beer belly :),the ones i can't pick up and throw(not many) will get bellyflopped sensless :):lol::lol:

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