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Pit Bull Terriers


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The General Public think, as well as lot of people here it seems, that the great danger comes from these Bull Terrier type dogs.


Far from it. In most cases a " Bull Terrier " can be as much a part off the family as any dog. It depends on what that family consists off though.


You shouldn't leave a dog alone with kids no matter how placid it seems.


The breeds which now seem popular in the IOM are The Japanese Akita and the Husky type Sibrerian. ( Husky is a type not a breed ).


A Japanese Akita is an aggressive dog toward other male dogs as per say and so are the male side off Siberians. However, this can be applied to any member off your family as the dog strives to be the " Alpha Male " . If you know about dogs you will understand, it you don't and have a dog, you should find out.


Each one of these breeds in very capable of killing an adult, never mind a child, yet it now seems to be the popular fashion breed.


German Shepherds, ( Alsations ), have the worst bite cases against them in the UK. The second is the Toy sized dog yet these are some off the most owned dogs in the UK.


IMO, the owners should be vetted and licenced, not the dog. There will always be tragedys but most the times the signs are there but the owner is to much of an ignorant uneducated fuckwit to see them.


Someone said that dogs are animals. They are so right. They're not pets, they're animmals and people should take the time to learn about them and understand them. You bring your kids up for at least the 10- 16 years you would have a dog, so whats the differance? Then, and only then, there wont be as many tragedies as what has just happened.


Rant over. It really gets my goat up but don't start me on them.

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A Japanese Akita is an aggressive dog toward other male dogs as per say and so are the male side off Siberians. However, this can be applied to any member off your family as the dog strives to be the " Alpha Male " . If you know about dogs you will understand, it you don't and have a dog, you should find out.


Paging Steven to the thread.

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Well if the general public and a lot of people here believe everything in the newspapers, they might think the same as you Celt!


I'm with you where you say you shouldn't leave kids and dogs unattended, even well trained dogs will eventually retaliate if they continually are teased!


IMHO The majority of these tragedies seem to come down to a mixture of badly trained dogs and bad owners, not really a fault of the 'breed' - although as Gladys pointed out - different breeds do tend to have certain traits, which seem to make certain kinds of people more likely to pick one breed over another.


The press also play a big role in the situation by glorifying dogs with a bigger 'assumed violent threat' making them popular with members of society who would like to think of themselves as being 'harder' and think it fashionable to have one of these breeds, - this in turn brings badly trained dogs into our society making tragedies even more likely.


I'm sure there are more attacks on the general public by teenagers than by dogs each month, yet I don't see any calls for putting down teenagers!!! If you have a dog, you have to have a license for the dog, yet people can have kids without a license?


If I'm walking home from the pub at night, I'm aware of the fact that I'm more likely to be attacked by a teenager than a dog!






The General Public think, as well as lot of people here it seems, that the great danger comes from these Bull Terrier type dogs.


Far from it. In most cases a " Bull Terrier " can be as much a part off the family as any dog. It depends on what that family consists off though.


You shouldn't leave a dog alone with kids no matter how placid it seems.


The breeds which now seem popular in the IOM are The Japanese Akita and the Husky type Sibrerian. ( Husky is a type not a breed ).


A Japanese Akita is an aggressive dog toward other male dogs as per say and so are the male side off Siberians. However, this can be applied to any member off your family as the dog strives to be the " Alpha Male " . If you know about dogs you will understand, it you don't and have a dog, you should find out.


Each one of these breeds in very capable of killing an adult, never mind a child, yet it now seems to be the popular fashion breed.


German Shepherds, ( Alsations ), have the worst bite cases against them in the UK. The second is the Toy sized dog yet these are some off the most owned dogs in the UK.


IMO, the owners should be vetted and licenced, not the dog. There will always be tragedys but most the times the signs are there but the owner is to much of an ignorant uneducated fuckwit to see them.


Someone said that dogs are animals. They are so right. They're not pets, they're animmals and people should take the time to learn about them and understand them. You bring your kids up for at least the 10- 16 years you would have a dog, so whats the differance? Then, and only then, there wont be as many tragedies as what has just happened.


Rant over. It really gets my goat up but don't start me on them.

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I see the occasional pit bull strolling around Port Erin, or tied to a poll outside the shops. I'm not scared of dogs but I am very wary of pit bulls and if the kids are with me I will cross the road to avoid it without hesitation as there is always that risk it will lash out no matter what the owner thinks.


Do you actually know what a pit bull looks like?


Find the Pit Bull


I should have said Staffordshire Bull Terrier, which as Chinahand points out are legal and explains the sightings.

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I can never understand the 'logic' of people who have Pit Bull types, Alsations, Dobermans or Rotweilers around children. IMO, people like that have something deeply wrong with their brain.


I hope, having had previous warnings about his dog, this guy is held for murder not manslaughter. His family are no better allowing such a dog in the house.


Pond life!

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To Matty, agree with everyting you say but for info. dogs no longer have to be licensed in the UK. Whether being licensed makes any difference, I doubt. Although you could introduce conditions on licenses such as training of owners in dog handling skills, but this would probably be unenforceable so worse than useless.

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I see the occasional pit bull strolling around Port Erin, or tied to a poll outside the shops. I'm not scared of dogs but I am very wary of pit bulls and if the kids are with me I will cross the road to avoid it without hesitation as there is always that risk it will lash out no matter what the owner thinks.


Do you actually know what a pit bull looks like?


Find the Pit Bull


Thats easy - its number 16.


The rest have proper dog collars on.


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Most of the deaths you hear about are better correlated to the cultural backgrounds of the dog owners and victims than to the breed of the dog.


I would agree with that, more often than not the owner is some filthy scrote with a burberry cap and a st georges cross tattooed on their shin, 13 illegitimate kids to different spotty ugly dirty mothers and an untrained possibly abused pit bull that is mentally unstable as it has been forced to watch Eastenders and other equally soul destroying programs for all of it's miserable little life...


ahh i feel good...

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I can never understand the 'logic' of people who have Pit Bull types, Alsations, Dobermans or Rotweilers around children. IMO, people like that have something deeply wrong with their brain.


I hope, having had previous warnings about his dog, this guy is held for murder not manslaughter. His family are no better allowing such a dog in the house.


Pond life!


Would you like a bigger brush to tar with there?

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I can never understand the 'logic' of people who have Pit Bull types, Alsations, Dobermans or Rotweilers around children. IMO, people like that have something deeply wrong with their brain.


I hope, having had previous warnings about his dog, this guy is held for murder not manslaughter. His family are no better allowing such a dog in the house.


Pond life!


Would you like a bigger brush to tar with there?

If I had said:


"I can never understand the 'logic' of people who have bare electrical cables, kitchen knives or dangerous toxic substances around children. IMO, people like that have something deeply wrong with their brain."


Would you offer the same brush too?

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I have never been able to understand why people wish to own dogs - of any kind - unless they are working dogs such as those that are used for looking after sheep or for hunting etc.


Ditto. I really hate pet dogs they smell terrible and bite people, why would anyone want this kind of animal as a pet? I prefer the wild kind that dont bother with people...Oh isnt man just fantastic? domesticating wild animals and then destroying them because they dont act right.

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I have never been able to understand why people wish to own dogs - of any kind - unless they are working dogs such as those that are used for looking after sheep or for hunting etc.



It's a power thing. Pet dog owners tend to have large inferiority complexes and get off on having a being, albeit non human, look to them as superior, whereas most other humans probably find them a bit of a wally.

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