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[BBC News] Shop robbery captured on camera


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The movie:




What a useless waste of space. I recently had some stuff nicked in the Strand centre. I was about 2 meters from a camera which was pointing directly at my position, but the footage was so shite that nothing at all could be made out, so no leads for the police.


Does anyone think releasing this information serves any purpose but telling would be theives that they can happliy ignore cameras because they're so shit they wont be identified on them anyway?

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Well I suppose you can rule out a lot of people who this isn't.


It seems that such robberies are almost common place these days. "It'll nver happen over here" they used to say.


It was less than ten years ago that people used to say that there was no drug problem on the Isle of Man and certainly there would never ever be heroin over here......

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What gets me is that when I was 15, it was £20 for an acid tab. Now it is a couple of quid.


Market is flooded with them? Perhaps the tabs are on 'sale' price.


regarding the robbery, my connection i slow... it'll take me a while to view it. But for those who have seen it, in wha way did he assault the woman? ie. a weapon? bbc news doesn't say.

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What gets me is that when I was 15, it was £20 for an acid tab. Now it is a couple of quid.


Market is flooded with them? Perhaps the tabs are on 'sale' price.


Let's put it this way, if my son (or daughter) is offered BOGOF, I won't be held accountable for my actions.

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We're probably going off topic her (but maybe not).


More than 10 years ago there were very few if any heroin cases reported in the papers. I knew it was there but your average middle-aged middle-class man/woman in the street did not. I remember so clearly when I came to the Island discussing the matter at my work. The consensus of opinion from the locals was that I didn't have a clue about the Isle of Man. The Isle of Man would never have a drugs problem and heroin would never make it over here.


These were supposedly intelligent people I was talking to. I was actually ridiculed, especially when I spoke about shops being robbed across. "Welcome to the Isle of Man" they said, "You can leave all that behind you now....and as for heroin....forget it, this is the Isle of Man".


How many armed/violent shop robberies have there been in the past 6 months?


One of the girls in the office lived in Port Erin. Quiet, peaceful, blissful Port Erin. "There may be the odd bit of cannabis down here, but that has been down here for over 30 years. There'll never be hard drugs" I was told.


Within a year there was a couple of heroin busts on her road. Since then probably 1/2 a dozen more. Anyone from Port Erin will probably know the road I am talking about.


More and more we seem to be just accepting this behaviour. Getting used to it.

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