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Council/corporation House Rent


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I am for social housing being available for those that need it, therefore, there needs to be some kind of means testing (despite the frowned upon phrase) AND also something done about the buy to let market. It is almost criminal that so many apartments are being built and apparently sold, in the main, to landlords. If this government really wanted to sort out housing on the island, that would be the first area to tackle. It would possibly cause a downward blip in the housing market, but the overall long term benefit would be worth it

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Firstly, Slinky Devil, I would not have mentioned the people in my post had I not been sure that their business was a success (and still is btw). My point was that simply because they have an income of under a certain amount, being their pension, they qualify for council property. I'm not sure of the proper practice but can only sumise that savings are not taken into consideration. How is this right?


Chopley Turnip, you have a very good point. Rather than means testing and basically evicting, increase the rent as appropriate. This would give people a more realistic view to private rent or a mortgage.


I have friends who's only way of getting a morgage is to go into council housing where they can save enough for a deposit. However, one of them is frightened that they will become used to the low rent/extra surpless income and become 'stuck'.


The more I think about it the better the idea is.


Raise the rent to be proportionate of and appropriate to the income. (to be reviewed on a yearly basis of course)


I think the point is, is that why should so many people may minimal rent all thier lives, past when they need it and take it away from those who do.

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Buy to let is not the problem.


The problem is the shortgae of housing, for reters, both social and market and for purchaser, both social and market


I am not in favour of menas testing council house rents


I do favour a means test on entry and very 7 (say) years


Why is it that the Brits, including the Manx are so set upon owner occupancy. In many countries the housing narket is primarily rented and contributes to fredom of movement of labour.


So for soem reason there si a tendency to look down on renters. If there were hundreds more privately rented properties availabe rents woulod come down.


We have to have places for those who cannot afford to buy.


I'd probably do wawy with 1st time buyer grants as well, they merely distort the market. If there were enough houses they would not be needed.


I would allow sale of social rented housing, creating mixed areas, all developments would have to be mixed. Every council house sold would have to be replaced however and the discounts would not be low. After all if vthe rents have beeen subsidised the people renting have not been buying the house, mot even paying the interest on the money borrowed to build the house


We need a natioanl housing agency that deals with public rentals and which also deals with strategic planning of housing development incuding the specification in each development of the percentage social housing and which builds up a land bank to the exclusion of the private developers.


When will we and the palnners realise that more houses = cheaper more affordable houses both to buy and to rent.


What is more important protection of the country side or proper housing for the manx, and that includes everyone who comes here to work and contribute to our society

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I disagree John, buy to rent, or perhaps more widely large stocks of housing held in landlords' hands for rental (whether these were bought to rent or built to rent) keeps houses out of the for sale market and thus distorts the market price. We have been through this argument so many times here, but I would still argue that large stocks of housing being kept out of the normal sale market must distort prices. Added to that you then have the same stock on the rental market which again distorts that market as the income is not necessarily the imperative (beyond covering your financing and maintenance costs) but the longer term capital appreciation.


The rental stock allows for manipulation of the entire housing position.

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Well well, what a self opinionated lot we have here, know alls who have all the bloody answers to every problem!


There are many reasons that people live in council housing, and you don't have to be a basket case to qualify.


Just because someone doesn't want to get on the property treadmill they are being lambasted as some sort of social pariah or misfit.


There are not enough good quality houses to let at reasonable rent. It's cheaper to get a mortgage IF you qualify and indeed want to. If every council house tenant who could squeeze out £1000 a month were let loose on the property market prices would escalate beyond belief.


I know several people living on council estates and it enables them to have a comfortable life. They are not misfits or anything like, just normal people getting on with their normal lives.


It appears that some sad pontiffs on here feel that these people should be living in overpriced bedsits on Christian Road to satisfy their grudge and their resentment that they have an expensive mortgage.


Don't forget that council house dwellers do not benefit from the property market either, which is usually most peoples major asset. So, ok some guy who has lived here all his life chose to buy a depreciating fancy car or motorhome with his hard earned cash? What has that got to do with anybody?


Council housing is for everyone, remember that if the manx economy fails!!

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What would solve the housing problem problem would be for the government to take all finances from the 'buy to rent' brigade, ie take all profits from anyone owning more than two properties and put this into building more first time buyer and council houses.


This would put more properties on the market at a more reasonable price, lower the overly inflated renting prices and get rid of the 'buy to rent scum' that are partially responsible for the Island's ridiculously inflated house prices.


This might then create a market where people in council houses who would like to buy in a position where they would be nearer being able to buy their own properties, and help people paying extortionate rents onto the property ladder, or into a council house they could afford.


I also agree on means testing council house dwellers, to tempt them to move into a house of their own if it is affordable.



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I know several people living on council estates and it enables them to have a comfortable life.


By living in subsidised housing that should be put to use for far needier people.


Think about that. You're paying a contribution to their rent even though they could quite feasably be earning significantly more than you. Strike you as fair?

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I have a collegue who lives in a council house, her and her partner are desperate to move out as soon as they save enough for a deposit.


I can see the benefits of cheap rent etc but I would want somewhere I could call mine and improve upon etc not a little terrace next to some potential druggie


So people that are buying their own homes are not potential druggies, I think you'll find it to be more likely.

But, of course, that is only my little bit of generalisation isn't it?

I can't believe I am reading some of this shite. Where the hell do you lot get off making such discusting statements about council house dwellers? You are prime examples of house owners who feel themselves above your fellow man just because you have missed the boat and had to be bailed out by a bank and taking out a loan to actually benefit from your houses.

See the other side of the coin; no chance of ever owning the house you were born into, no opportunity to buy your home, no choice of where you live, just dumped down where there is space, no ability to move when you feel like it, no security, having to put up with people who feel themselves superior, jealousy of your hard earned possessions.

Just some of the 'benefits' of renting in the public sector.

How about the discusting practice of buying multiple homes and renting them out at barely affordable rates? Owning a large house and living in it yourself, alone, while seeing people living in boxes under bridges? That truly is abusive to society.

Get real folks, some of us have no choice and no rich mummy and daddy to help us out. Let us live our lives doing the jobs that are too good for you but that pay more than yours so we can afford to drink and smoke away our unhappiness.



Exactly, I truly hope that one day these right wing "realists" are on the receiving end of the same treatment they wish on others. Rather than rattling on about people in commissioners homes they'd be far better served directing their fear and jealousy at the rich who are truly shafting them and our island.


Whoops no forgot; their Daily Mail or Sun doesn't direct them into that way of thinking and they are incapable of thinking for themselves.


Mannin - beautiful island, with a majority of shitheads comprising it's population.

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Buy to let is not the problem.


The problem is the shortgae of housing, for reters, both social and market and for purchaser, both social and market


I am not in favour of menas testing council house rents


I do favour a means test on entry and very 7 (say) years


Why is it that the Brits, including the Manx are so set upon owner occupancy. In many countries the housing narket is primarily rented and contributes to fredom of movement of labour.


So for soem reason there si a tendency to look down on renters. If there were hundreds more privately rented properties availabe rents woulod come down.


We have to have places for those who cannot afford to buy.


I'd probably do wawy with 1st time buyer grants as well, they merely distort the market. If there were enough houses they would not be needed.


I would allow sale of social rented housing, creating mixed areas, all developments would have to be mixed. Every council house sold would have to be replaced however and the discounts would not be low. After all if vthe rents have beeen subsidised the people renting have not been buying the house, mot even paying the interest on the money borrowed to build the house


We need a natioanl housing agency that deals with public rentals and which also deals with strategic planning of housing development incuding the specification in each development of the percentage social housing and which builds up a land bank to the exclusion of the private developers.


When will we and the palnners realise that more houses = cheaper more affordable houses both to buy and to rent.


What is more important protection of the country side or proper housing for the manx, and that includes everyone who comes here to work and contribute to our society


I'm usually in general agreement with your views John but sadly that is a load of bollocks. The buy to rent, or invest - sitting on it, unoccupied, whilst it's value rises is exactly the cause of the housing problems here. You seem to be saying that we should just build, build and more builds, to hell with the consequences on our land. The way to resolve our engineered housing crisis is simple, apart from one's prime residence, tax the capital gain on second, third, fourth etc., homes at 90%. Housing problem solved, QED.


Are you aware that, say, the Majestic Apartments, for example, are all sold but less than half occupied? Or that some high net worth individuals seek out small estates and buy them all up? Believe me it is rife, so our island is being ruined for greed and at the same time ordinary decent, working families can't afford a place of their own. You agree with that?


It wouldn't matter how much land is released for building John, the majority of the resultant developments would be pounced upon by the wealthy to satiate their own greed and there'd still be a shortage of affordable housing for those on lower incomes.


With the greatest respect could I suggest waking up and sniffing the coffee?

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What would solve the housing problem problem would be for the government to take all finances from the 'buy to rent' brigade, ie take all profits from anyone owning more than two properties and put this into building more first time buyer and council houses.


This would put more properties on the market at a more reasonable price, lower the overly inflated renting prices and get rid of the 'buy to rent scum' that are partially responsible for the Island's ridiculously inflated house prices.


This might then create a market where people in council houses who would like to buy in a position where they would be nearer being able to buy their own properties, and help people paying extortionate rents onto the property ladder, or into a council house they could afford.


I also agree on means testing council house dwellers, to tempt them to move into a house of their own if it is affordable.




You fucking communist. There is ONLY ONE solution -



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