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Manx Radio = White Elephant?

Roger Smelly

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The Treasury Minister will ask members to approve funding of £933,000 for the financial year 2007-2008, subject to annual review based on inflationary considerations.


Other recommendations would require Manx Radio to provide a business case comparing the cost of relocation to that of extending the existing building on Douglas Head, and consider appointing an employee with strong professional accounting skills.


Isnt it time something was done regarding manx radio, a million a year is disgusting.


They should be forced to make at least 50% of the budget through advertising, what also makes my blood boil is you have energyFM and 3fm who do not get any funding but they can carry on trading/operating.


I know this is an old topic but i think something needs to be Done, and before the Manx Radio ego's come on and try to justify there wages just see it from the tax payers point of view.


It's hightime it was passed to and funded by the BBC.

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seems like they are maybe trying to address the issue of financial control since they are advertsising for a part time chartered accountant - makes you wonder though if they are only now just advertsising the position then one might conclude they didn't have anyone doing the job to start with! they should perhaps start by looking at some cash-flow projections and then look at attributing values to what in advertising circles is called "contra-deals" (whatever they might be - someone please explain).

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seems like they are maybe trying to address the issue of financial control since they are advertsising for a part time chartered accountant - makes you wonder though if they are only now just advertsising the position then one might conclude they didn't have anyone doing the job to start with!


They could be looking for someone who is a part time chartered accountant but full time clown? Just unicycle into work, or if its wet use the car with the falling off doors, and do a bit of numbers on the side.

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seems like they are maybe trying to address the issue of financial control since they are advertsising for a part time chartered accountant - makes you wonder though if they are only now just advertsising the position then one might conclude they didn't have anyone doing the job to start with! they should perhaps start by looking at some cash-flow projections and then look at attributing values to what in advertising circles is called "contra-deals" (whatever they might be - someone please explain).

Oh dear..you'll get over it..at some point, you'll get over it...

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Is Mandate still the place for current affairs?

The 8.15 - 8.30 slot used to always run the top items. I know MHK's who would only go on if they where given that time.

Today, (Tuesday), Red Cross need money for their hall. A live segment with the presenter spoon feeding easy to answer questions. To be fair there was not much else he could do with the subject matter. Then Lee "for charity" Watson about running up a sand dune.

This latter sort of interview has become the stable diet of the programme resently. Dont get me wrong, its great people are doing these things for a good cause, but would they not be just at home on the Bob Harrison segment.

More current affairs please and less fluff.

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Is Mandate still the place for current affairs?

The 8.15 - 8.30 slot used to always run the top items. I know MHK's who would only go on if they where given that time.

Today, (Tuesday), Red Cross need money for their hall. A live segment with the presenter spoon feeding easy to answer questions. To be fair there was not much else he could do with the subject matter. Then Lee "for charity" Watson about running up a sand dune.

This latter sort of interview has become the stable diet of the programme resently. Dont get me wrong, its great people are doing these things for a good cause, but would they not be just at home on the Bob Harrison segment.

More current affairs please and less fluff.



1. I think you'll find that's "staple" diet.

2. MHKs doesn't require an apostrophe.

3. It's "recently" with a C, not an S

4. You still haven't said whether you're NCTJ trained or just an uninformed amateur. My guess, given your slender grasp of spelling and grammar, is the latter.


That is all.


(Edited because forum codes stop you posting a,b,c etc in brackets lol)

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quote name='ans' date='Feb 20 2007, 07:19 PM' post='220777']

I really hope that's irony you're using there chief.


Names not cheif. Surely a forum such as this one should provide a platform for great, refreshing dialogue in response to someones questions or opininions, not some seemingly snide comments about grammar and spelling which completely destroy the continuation of topic.This is OUR or YOUR MANX forum, anyone off-island reading some of this could begin to wonder what kind of people we are........don't you think?

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Names not cheif. Surely a forum such as this one should provide a platform for great, refreshing dialogue in response to someones questions or opininions, not some seemingly snide comments about grammar and spelling which completely destroy the continuation of topic.This is OUR or YOUR MANX forum, anyone off-island reading some of this could begin to wonder what kind of people we are........don't you think?


And you've totally missed the point I'm making. Manxmedia purports to be a journalist, but isn't qualified, can't spell and has no idea about grammar. Which lowers him in my estimation of journalists. I'm qualified, experienced and I've actually worked on local, regional and national newspapers as well as broadcast and web journalism. So it's important to me that when somebody spouts something about my profession, they know what they're talking about. After all, I don't wander into an operating theatre and perform amputations on the justification that I cut my own toenails. So... is Manxmedia qualified? No, he's not. He's a bitter and disgruntled former journalist whose name everybody in the media in the Island knows. "Any off-island journalist reading some of this could begin to wonder what kind of journalists we are...... don't YOU think?"


Is it just a coincidence the only two posts you've ever made are in his support?

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I think in my second post, the only support I felt I needed to give was to myself after a not so clever sentence alluding to my support of the poster.

I have no idea at all about this posters ID or his supposed background. My background is also 'in the media'. The essence of my post was that if, in your considered opinion, nonsense is being put forward, it only needs to be ignored and should not require a personal vitriolic attack. If a post appears innocently 'off-track' then maybe a helpful response would have more positive results.

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These posts are never innocent or off-track. They're bile-laden nonsense from a couple of posters who are aggrieved that they didn't get the jobs they feel entitled to at either the BBC or Manx Radio.


And looking through your own short and undistinguished posting career here, I'm tempted to believe your claim to a background 'in the media' must mean delivering The Courier.


Manxmedia must have a different set of interests to me - I thought it entirely appropriate that after 30 years on Derby Road people might like to know that the Red Cross was moving, and why. Or that a Douglas man is walking across the Sahara desert. I actually enjoy an occasional respite from politicians bickering on the radio.

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