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Manx Radio = White Elephant?

Roger Smelly

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..which William Shakespeare work mentions the Isle of Man?

Henry Percy - Earl of Northumberland was granted the lordship of the Isle of Man by Henry IV. So that narrows it down to Richard II, Henry IV pts 1 and 2 and Henry V. My guess is Henry IV part 1.


Although Ophelia was banished to the Nunnery.

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Henry VI part II


Isle of Man is a place for banishment it seems.



Stand forth, Dame Eleanor Cobham, Gloucester's wife:

In sight of God and us, your guilt is great:

Receive the sentence of the law for sins

Such as by God's book are adjudged to death.

You four, from hence to prison back again;

From thence unto the place of execution:

The witch in Smithfield shall be burn'd to ashes,

And you three shall be strangled on the gallows.

You, madam, for you are more nobly born,

Despoiled of your honour in your life,

Shall, after three days' open penance done,

Live in your country here in banishment,

With Sir John Stanley, in the Isle of Man.



Sheriff :

An't please your grace, here my commission stays,

And Sir John Stanley is appointed now

To take her with him to the Isle of Man.





Art thou gone too? all comfort go with thee!

For none abides with me: my joy is death;

Death, at whose name I oft have been afear'd,

Because I wish'd this world's eternity.

Stanley, I prithee, go, and take me hence;

I care not whither, for I beg no favour,

Only convey me where thou art commanded.



Why, madam, that is to the Isle of Man;

There to be used according to your state.


Full play is here



Henry VI Part II

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The Treasury Minister will ask members to approve funding of £933,000 for the financial year 2007-2008, subject to annual review based on inflationary considerations.


Other recommendations would require Manx Radio to provide a business case comparing the cost of relocation to that of extending the existing building on Douglas Head, and consider appointing an employee with strong professional accounting skills.


Isnt it time something was done regarding manx radio, a million a year is disgusting.


They should be forced to make at least 50% of the budget through advertising, what also makes my blood boil is you have energyFM and 3fm who do not get any funding but they can carry on trading/operating.


I know this is an old topic but i think something needs to be Done, and before the Manx Radio ego's come on and try to justify there wages just see it from the tax payers point of view.


I would suggest that before you wade into this debate, you get your facts correct. Manx Radio *does* make 50% of its budget through advertising. In fact, it makes more than 50% of its revenue through advertising.


Annual Accounts here


Oh yeah - and where do you think that news item you just read came from btw?


Edited to add postscript.

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I would suggest that before you wade into this debate, you get your facts correct. Manx Radio *does* make 50% of its budget through advertising. In fact, it makes more than 50% of its revenue through advertising.


Yes but other radio stations have to make up 100% of their revenue from stuff like adverts otherwise ... you know ... they sort of go bust ... because they make less money than they spend ... its a sort of capitalist sort of thing.


I think if they upped the quality delivery there would be no contest. But Brindleys salary? Paid for by me. No thanks.

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Firstly I have no connection with any of the Island radio stations. It does however seem wrong to me that Manx Radio can chase advertising from a better position than the other two by the virtue of the provision of public money. I am sure that in the EU this practice would be illegal !


I agree with the posters who say that if the station was good enough it should be able to stand on its own two feet. This government treats public funds which the populace have contributed far too lightly IMO.

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Your MHK is being asked to approve and then vote for the funding.


Instead of whingeing about it on an Internet Forum, which probably achieves nothing, people should discus the matter with their MHK.


Personally I think nearly a £million has to be far too much - how much are some of these guys getting paid to flex their egos over the airwaves? I have no problem with that as such if they are standing on their own two feet but I do when their salary is largely at the taxpayers expense.

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Your MHK is being asked to approve and then vote for the funding.


Instead of whingeing about it on an Internet Forum, which probably achieves nothing, people should discus the matter with their MHK.


Personally I think nearly a £million has to be far too much - how much are some of these guys getting paid to flex their egos over the airwaves? I have no problem with that as such if they are standing on their own two feet but I do when their salary is largely at the taxpayers expense.


Unless of course your MHK is a newbie as he'll be so in need of all the free publicity MR will give him over the next 5 years that he'll probably give your objections absolutely no thought at all.


Its like asking Turkeys to vote for christmas.

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Given that realistically we can't expect a dedicated BBC local radio station for the Island because of the size of the population, I have to agree that Manx Radio should be funded by the Manx taxpayer. HOWEVER:


- like the BBC, Manx Radio needs to be subject to a charter - we're paying for it, so we say what we want it to do;

- unlike the BBC, Manx Radio needs to be properly held to account against its charter obligations;

- advertising should be banned - either fund it all, or cut it loose; and

- performance and levels of funding should be assessed by a body independent of government: one of the important roles of the station must be to report rigorously, fearlessly and impartially on the actions of our elected (and unelected) officials.


I would suggest that the station's output should include news, sports, weather and other local interest programming, with music programming limited to showcasing local talent - no point in taxpayers funding royalty payments for tracks that they could hear on any number of national radio stations. I also think it would be quite sensible to broadcast the same shows in different timeslots to reduce the amount of output required. Who wouldn't prefer 10 hours of high quality output each day than 18 hours of rubbish?


Manx Radio is no different from any other local radio station in that there are some people with limited talent and big egos who basically like the sound of their own voices (think 'Alan Partridge'). Conversely, there are some dedicated professionals who provide a valuable service for the community. Whatever can be done to eliminate the former and nurture the latter would be a step in the right direction.

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There are a few good speciality programmes on Resident Radio that are worth it. Dan Davies is Very good. Chris Williams is good. Stu's whingeing annoys me in an entertaining way. Brindley is ok when he isnt doing his "Manx at the Movies" drivel or American byelaws crap, he might be annoying to you, but he has his audience. The specialty programmes are good. The sports is good. A lot of the filler stuff is dire.


However, if they want to keep their funding they should think about these points:

Those infomercials must get everyone reaching for the dial, so whats the point of them? Why cant we have some Manx music, of any genre, being mixed in with the stuff from the Music Industry during the daytime? There are some very good Manx musicians but we won't get to hear them unless they become successful somewhere else first. Why cant presenters pronounce Manx placenames and Manx surnames correctly - and point out the mistakes that some of their advertisers make? Why does Brian Stowell have to explain everything in Moghrey Jedoonee as if he was speaking to someone straight off the boat? Why do we have to have so much Shania Twain? Why does the UK news feature so strongly? What programming is there for non-UK immigrants? There should be a Philippino, Portugese or Afrikaans half-hour don't you think?

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