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Manx Radio = White Elephant?

Roger Smelly

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- advertising should be banned - either fund it all, or cut it loose; and


My thoughts exactly. That said, if it was funded by the taxpayer people would say it's what the government wants you to hear. If it wasn't funded by the taxpayer and relied solely on advertising then it's anyones guess how the format would change and how it would survive.


Is the business scrutinized by the goverment before they give it more cash? e.g. Are staff meeting targets, value for money, how much revenue do sales staff make, is xxx equipment/systems etc necessary. Do they look at it in a "commercial" sense, in the form of a review that a business would do during a takeover for example.


It's a very strange situation really as other businesses don't have the "fallback" that MR have and cash could be wasted. It could be that the money is well spent and more cash is justified. Who knows. I hope the government do.

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There seem to be a few people who have genuine concerns on this matter and who are not simply sounding off against Manx Radio for the sake of it, as per the average forum poster, perhaps.


We can't expect our politicians to know all the answers. There will be a debate in the House followed by a vote. Make your voice heard where it counts and discuss this matter with an MHK or MLC, you never know - they may be pleased to hear your views.

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I cant speak for anyone but myself, but I can't imagine that many "younger" people actually listen to manx radio due to the content, I'm not saying there is anything wrong with it but it does seem to be geared towards an "older" listener, to be honest I genuinely can't think of one person I know who does listen to it, so I can see why £1m of tax money which is paid by everyone despite age (assuming they work) is being spent on a service that alot of tax payers aren't using whether they like it or not, which is bound to raise concerns when they think where else this money could be spent.

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...so I can see why £1m of tax money which is paid by everyone despite age (assuming they work) is being spent on a service that alot of tax payers aren't using whether they like it or not...

If tax was paid selectively that way - older people would pay more NI contributions because they tend to be ill more and anti-nuclear types wouldn't pay for trident etc. etc. What then would be the point of government? - you may as well have the island run by companies.


Most people 'listen' to Manx radio at some point. IMO, if more people wrote to the station I am sure the managers would listen to what people said and do something about it. Nothing ever changes if people don't do something about it.

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...so I can see why £1m of tax money which is paid by everyone despite age (assuming they work) is being spent on a service that alot of tax payers aren't using whether they like it or not...

If tax was paid selectively that way - older people would pay more NI contributions because they tend to be ill more and anti-nuclear types wouldn't pay for trident etc. etc. What then would be the point of government? - you may as well have the island run by companies.


I understand that it can't be selective, there is just no way that would work, and to be honest I wasn't really b!tching about that side of it I don't mind paying tax I understand why we do and I understand we pay a hell of alot less than if we lived in the UK, It's just to me (and I mean my own opinion) that money feels like it is being wasted when there are so many things that could be improved with a yearly influx of £1m!


But I suppose it's the same argument I have (usually with myself) that if mr X has a TV but never watches the bbc why should he have to pay the licence fee...

(That wasn't a real question I don't need to know!! :lol: )

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3v0 raises an interesting point - are there any stats on the demographics of who listens to Manx Radio and how often? Clearly the fact that certain demographic groups do not listen to the station doesn't mean that it shouldn't receive government funding, but it should certainly review its output to ensure that it is doing all it can to appeal to a broad range of tastes.


You can't (and indeed shouldn't) force young people to take an interest in their local community but you can at least present issues in ways that are accessible. Plenty of stuff that happens on the Isle of Man is of no interest to me - I remember as a child the irrelevant tripe that used to be spouted by some of the callers to the 'Mannin Line' with their own personal axes to grind - but there are also some important issues which are relevant to us all and which merit intelligent coverage and public debate. Local radio can be truly enfranchising when it creates a sense of pride in the people of their community.

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Well Manx Radio employed the young fella Simon Quine to cater for that young generation. Unfortunately, I think his voice has broken now so they'll have to find a new new kiddie on the block. And he'll soon be realising that his music just isn't groovy anymore, and the policemen are getting younger.

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I would rather see the money that the BBC gets goes to Manx Radio, we get nothing from the BBC unlike other areas.


This way it would save money that could be spent elsewhere.

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Why does the UK news feature so strongly? What programming is there for non-UK immigrants? There should be a Philippino, Portugese or Afrikaans half-hour don't you think?


What a great idea. Can't wait for Eugene Terrablanche to be given his own show. Just what they want to hear.

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With the BBC they provide many different radio stations that appeal to people of different tastes. I'm not suggesting that we have Manx Radio 1 to 5, but possibly a second station that would appeal to a younger audience. Many of the resources could easily be shared between the two sister channels (news, sales, equipment).


Now I'm no spring chicken, in my mid thirties, but have no time for Manx Radio in its present format, I haven't got it set on any of the presets in my car nor will I.


I have also advertised on MR and can tell you that its not cheap either, so their advertising revenue added to their government subsidy should be quite a substancial sum.


Maybe by adding an extra channel, they can not only attract a new following, but also increase their own turnover through new advertising revenue.


At some point MR as a business will have to take a hard look at who it appeals to now, and who will be listening in 15-20 years time, because their listeners aren't getting any younger.

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Once there was KikFM too (a part of Manx Radio but louder faster bigger more). Marje Joughin used to tell Manx Radio to get rid of it, every day it seemed on the Mannin Line phone in Programme. No one took any notice of her advice.


Then Manx Radio spent a few hundred thousand pounds on consultants. The main thrust of their rather expensive report seemed to be ...."get rid of KikFM". I always used to think that those consultants did what many of our politicians did and got their 'ideas' from the Mannin Line.

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With the BBC they provide many different radio stations that appeal to people of different tastes. I'm not suggesting that we have Manx Radio 1 to 5, but possibly a second station that would appeal to a younger audience. Many of the resources could easily be shared between the two sister channels (news, sales, equipment).


Now I'm no spring chicken, in my mid thirties, but have no time for Manx Radio in its present format, I haven't got it set on any of the presets in my car nor will I.


I have also advertised on MR and can tell you that its not cheap either, so their advertising revenue added to their government subsidy should be quite a substancial sum.


Maybe by adding an extra channel, they can not only attract a new following, but also increase their own turnover through new advertising revenue.


At some point MR as a business will have to take a hard look at who it appeals to now, and who will be listening in 15-20 years time, because their listeners aren't getting any younger.


Don't forget the BBC also provide 'regional' stations as well as their main stations - IMHO Manx Radio is very similiar to one of the Beebs regional stations, alas without funding from the Beeb, but from our own pockets - I can certainly sympathise and probably agree that some of our TV license money should be used for Manx Radio, instead of directly from our taxes.


I'm also in my mid-30's, and most days tune into Manx Radio for local news as none of the other local stations are anywhere near as good for news, I think if you fragment MR, it will just cost more money - why not leave it as it is with MR having a subsidy to give decent news & decent cultural programmes, and let the other stations fight it out for the remainder of the advertising revenue by playing awful music for the kids who probably arent' interested in the news?


As you say PNP - you have used MR for advertising - well this seems to show that you must obviously think that MR must have a good potential 'catchment' area, otherwise you wouldn't have bothered advertising your product there??

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Then Manx Radio spent a few hundred thousand pounds on consultants. The main thrust of their rather expensive report seemed to be ...."get rid of KikFM". I always used to think that those consultants did what many of our politicians did and got their 'ideas' from the Mannin Line.


It was actually a government commissioned report - the Darwin report - which advocated (amongst other things) getting rid of Kik FM as that gap would be filled by other local broadcasters. Allowing Manx Radio to increase its news and speech output which would fulfill its remit as 'national broadcaster.' This report was the blueprint for the format of the current Manx Radio. Most of the recommendations have been followed - almost slavishly to the letter.


I agree that if you're between the ages of 15 - 25, maybe more, that Manx Radio can often seem to lack appeal. But what you have to remember is that it has to provide a service to everyone, across the board. So that includes telling listeners that Mrs Miggins' cat has gone walkabout in Onchan, please check in your sheds, playing Gerry and the Pacemakers and Simon Quine playing shouty bang bang music on a Sunday night.


Also - if you look at the speech based output (compared to pre-Darwin report) there is shed loads of what is deemed 'local' community programming. i.e. 30 minute speech based programmes covering Manx Culture, the Isle of Man, farming on the Isle of Man, politics etc. Then also consider that every show between 6am and 1am the following morning is hosted by a real life person.


This output is much much more expensive than simply having say one or two freelance DJs who do the main morning and drive time slots, and then having the rest of the day pre-recorded which can sound pretty bland.

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......Marje and the other Mannin Line moaners were right along then. I'm not sure if Marje lived to see the demise of KikFm.


£900,000 seems a heckuva lot though. At £30k per annum that would employ 30 people before they even think about the income for their not inconsiderable advertising revenue.


I used to listen from 7:30am and well into the night when the American girl was on and have to say that I am very much a supporter of Manx Radio and all it stands for.


Still, I reserve my right to whinge and moan as much as I want about our National Broadcaster.

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