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Manx Radio = White Elephant?

Roger Smelly

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Manx Radio:

TSA: This radio station broadcasts to a survey area of 65,000 adults (aged 15+).

Reach: It is listened to by 38,000 people (59%) each week.

Hours: Each listener tunes in for 13.3 hours per week - a total of 509,000.

Share: In its area, it has a 31.4% market share


Funny you never speak to anyone who listens to MR when it apparently broadcasts to 38,000 Island residents.


13.3 hours of MR a week would be enough to fry anyones brain to jelly.

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Well if thats the case mine must be pure jelly then, i like energyFM its got good DJ's and its a good station to listen too when you are working.


If i wanted manx news and to know whats going on i will read the local papers, Have you seen how boring Manx Radio is ?


The whole thing is so boring, the only saving grace is Mandate with beth and stu peters, i tend to switch between BBC R2, EnergyFM or 3FM.


Thank god there is a choice on the island nowadays, like most people said on here Manx Radio is more geared toward the retired age group with plenty of time to listen to the Dross.


Bob is the afternoon is a program to fall asleep too


Bin Lid is not what you want to listen too first thing in the morning.


If your not a farmer or a person over 55 then i am afraid manx radio will never be a turn on :lol:

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Well if thats the case mine must be pure jelly then, i like energyFM its got good DJ's and its a good station to listen too when you are working.


If i wanted manx news and to know whats going on i will read the local papers, Have you seen how boring Manx Radio is ?


The whole thing is so boring, the only saving grace is Mandate with beth and stu peters, i tend to switch between BBC R2, EnergyFM or 3FM.


Thank god there is a choice on the island nowadays, like most people said on here Manx Radio is more geared toward the retired age group with plenty of time to listen to the Dross.


Bob is the afternoon is a program to fall asleep too


Bin Lid is not what you want to listen too first thing in the morning.


If your not a farmer or a person over 55 then i am afraid manx radio will never be a turn on :lol:



The Mandate programe with John Hines sounds okay IMO he is doing a better job than Stu Peters - is he coming back? or if/when he comes back will there be a job for him? And as for the Bin Lid chap is he the same one word on the street (or is that ocean wave) is that there is another job on the radar to do with communications speculation is that he's going to do. Anyone else heard this?

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Bin Lid chap is he the same one word on the street (or is that ocean wave) is that there is another job on the radar to do with communications speculation is that he's going to do.

I understand he wanted them - but alais they didn't want him

The job is going to be advertised very soon, (if not already - I don't check the jobs). Geoff Corkish was saying the other week that he wants out by end of the month

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At the end of the day, MR have got the Govt by the balls on this one.


"If you don't give us the money then we won't be able to broadcast Tynwald of House of Keys sittings!"


Simple really. Can you see MHKs saying no to that?

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Molly what we are trying to say is for the £110 per household the BBC get a small share of it should go to Manx Radio instead of the tax payer having to pay for it.


That money £1 million or so per year could be spent on something that needs the money, what alan bell and eddie teare are trying to say to people is that we need to run on budget and no over spending because the 1% VAT from the UK we get every year could change.


The £1 million figure that keeps getting touted in this thread is totally disproportionate!


Read this:




which tells you that approximately £1.72 per month is allocated to regional radio and TV.


Read page 4 of this:




which tells you that, as of April 2006 there were 33,390 households on the Isle of Man



Lets round the spending figure up to £2 a month and assume that every household pays full price for a licence fee (although note that people 75+, those with second homes and those without a TV don't have to pay). And lets ignore the fact that MR aren't providing us with a local TV service, which presumably forms the greater portion of the £1.72 per month budget. And lets ignore the fact that any major stories on the Island ARE covered on the BBC North-West regional shows in the same way as they cover stories throughout the North-West. We get:


£2 x 12 = £24


£24 x 33,390 = £801,360


So even with some very generous assumptions, you're going to get a lot less than one million quid. Can we finally put that claim to bed?

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At the end of the day, MR have got the Govt by the balls on this one.


"If you don't give us the money then we won't be able to broadcast Tynwald of House of Keys sittings!"


Simple really. Can you see MHKs saying no to that?


Er... actually they did, at the end of Tynwald on Wednesday when they voted not to broadcast House of Keys business (except questions).

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Talking of Questions, does anyone know why they don't appear on listen again? I know I shouldn't, but I occasionally drop off and catch just the end of something quite interesting. Perhaps I'll just have to wait for DAB and buy a replay radio (or pay more attention!)

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At the end of the day, MR have got the Govt by the balls on this one.


"If you don't give us the money then we won't be able to broadcast Tynwald of House of Keys sittings!"


Simple really. Can you see MHKs saying no to that?


Er... actually they did, at the end of Tynwald on Wednesday when they voted not to broadcast House of Keys business (except questions).


Business is business but question time - they still want that broadcasting! Says enough methinks

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oh no you mean he's still going to be doing the morning show and I was thinking they might find someone else who doesn't rely on sad toilet humour jokes



Or reading from 'Great lies to tell small kids' without crediting the book.

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Does it really matter if Manx Radio costs nearly £1m? If it was closed down we would all miss it one way or another. I guess most of us check the website every day or so, TT coverage is superb and news and weather are essential. Compare that to the information provided by the other stations and there is simply no contest.

Finally, if Manx Radio was wound up, do you honestly think that we would somehow feel the benefit of an extra million quid in the Treasury???

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Wake up call would you mind if the BBC took over Manx Radio and kept a similar format because thats what i think we all want.


Manx Radio has designed the whole station around the governments needs, and some advertising.


Most people don't really want to listen to the tynwald questions because they are working and too busy, like i said manx radio sticks to is listeners needs, the listeners are over 50 and have plenty of time to listen to the guff that is churned out by the bucket load.


I think its time the BBC paid for the station because they recive a good ammount from the island and give nothing back.


But hey its only tax payers money so no need to worry plenty where that came frm right ? <_<

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