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[BBC News] Muslims to be buried in cemetery


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A sensitive issue but, if I remember rightly, Muslim people have already been buried in the Isle of Man without the existing arrangements being a problem for the faith. The timing of this request is interesting as it comes a short while after the introduction of the Human Rights Act in the Isle of Man.


I am sure it matters not a jot to non Muslims if special arrangements are made for their deceased in accordance with their faith. However, I suspect that the Human Rights Act may now lead to a number of requests to accommodate different cultures and traditions. Some of these may be very alien to the Manx community. Only last year there was an outdoor cremation in the UK by the Hindu community. This is a practice that really might upset Christian sensibilities.


Like it or not, the Human Rights Act is going to change things in the Isle of Man.


Supposing someone goes along to the Chairman of the Public Health and Housing Committee and asks for the provision of a Burning Ghat in Douglas. Will this request be accommodated too?

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I fully support the provision of appropraite facilities for different faiths, creeds etc. We have had facilities for quakers and Jews previously.


What I would also like to see is the cremation facility to be whooly non secular. If you have no beliefs you still have to have your family cremation under the watchful cross and other christian paraphernalia.


I had a real strugle getting a humanist non religious ceremony for my father.

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I fully support the provision of appropraite facilities for different faiths, creeds etc. We have had facilities for quakers and Jews previously.


What I would also like to see is the cremation facility to be whooly non secular. If you have no beliefs you still have to have your family cremation under the watchful cross and other christian paraphernalia.


I had a real strugle getting a humanist non religious ceremony for my father.

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I fully support the provision of appropraite facilities for different faiths, creeds etc. We have had facilities for quakers and Jews previously.


What I would also like to see is the cremation facility to be whooly non secular. If you have no beliefs you still have to have your family cremation under the watchful cross and other christian paraphernalia.


I had a real strugle getting a humanist non religious ceremony for my father.


I was sorry to hear you had difficulties. Any funeral director on the island should be able to help to arrange a non-religious ceremony.

There is a good book called Funerals Without God published by the British Humanist Association ! Gower Street London WC!E 6HD tel 020 7079 3580


The IOM Freethinkers have an officiant Muriel Garland who does secular ceremones with readings, poetry and music in accordance with the family's wishes.

You can have the cross taken down from the front of the coffin but unfortunately you cannot remove the Christian crosses etched into the glass on the doors.

Even the new lawn cemetery on Johnny Watterson's Lane has crosses marked on the walls. And that was only built a couple of years ago.


The Freethinkers are also campaigning to get neutral facilities in the new hospital and prison instead of 'chapels'. Not many people are religious these days but we all require a quiet place at times of stress.

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Any funeral director on the island should be able to help to arrange a non-religious ceremony.


Seems a pity to even have to involve funeral directors. With their dodgy old Ford Granadas. And Victorian gothic.


Bury me out the fields. Or better still burn me. What bits the scientists can't use.


And do please feel free to overtake if you're behind us on the mountain. That will be me wrapped up in the blanket with my feet sticking out of the window.

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Are there laws about the so called proper disposal of a body?


I know there are in the UK cos recently some Hindus got in trouble for burning a relative on an open pier.


I agree with the idea of a tree burial ... imagine how your relatives would come to view the tree - even better a familly copse! But is it legal to just put someone in the garden?

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Are there laws about the so called proper disposal of a body?


I know there are in the UK cos recently some Hindus got in trouble for burning a relative on an open pier.


I agree with the idea of a tree burial ... imagine how your relatives would come to view the tree - even better a familly copse! But is it legal to just put someone in the garden?


I'm pretty sure you can't just spread someones ashes where you like either. But hey I'm not gonna tell anyone if you won't.


There is some info on 'woodland' burials here:




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I want my brain transplanted into the body of a 10 year old clone of myself so I can attend my own funeral. I'd wear a red fez and white suit and sit at the back smirking.


Also, I want my corpse to be stuffed with sweeties and hung from a tree like a grisly piñata.

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But is it legal to just put someone in the garden?


It can't be.


What happens if you move?


I think scattering is ok though. Obviously you can't fling Granny's ashes around in TK Maxx ("OO She loved a bargain, bless her"), but your garden has to be ok, surely?

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