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[BBC News] Muslims to be buried in cemetery


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Are there laws about the so called proper disposal of a body?


I know there are in the UK cos recently some Hindus got in trouble for burning a relative on an open pier.


I agree with the idea of a tree burial ... imagine how your relatives would come to view the tree - even better a familly copse! But is it legal to just put someone in the garden?


I'm pretty sure you can't just spread someones ashes where you like either. But hey I'm not gonna tell anyone if you won't.


There is some info on 'woodland' burials here:





also www.naturaldeath.org.uk

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For the sake of all involved, I would suggest that your dog be encouraged to write a living will (and a vet invited to modify the dew claw to an opposing thumb so he can carry out the shotgun Viking burial you suggest).


Like your reply. But tell me, are you still, really, glad to be back? I was, for a while - now I'm bored!

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Muslim burials are very symbolic, I hope they realise what they have let themselves in for!


"The site of the grave is also very important in the Islam religion. Additionally, both cremation and embalming are forbidden in the Muslim faith, and the practice of burying at sea is only allowed if absolutely necessary. The grave itself should be aligned on a northeast to southwest axis, facing Mecca. The wrapped body is put directly into the ground, without any kind of casket. This cannot be done in some places because either the soil is too loose or wet, or because of laws. In that case, the shrouded corpse is places in a dirt-filled concrete vault, in order to keep within the symbolism of the religion and the requirements of the government. Graves are to be raised between four and twelve inches from the ground. This is to prevent anyone from sitting of walking on the grave, which is strictly forbidden. It is forbidden to level the grave, as is the practice of many cemeteries in order to make the sites easier to maintain. These problems have led to the creation of private, all-Muslim cemeteries, or separate sections of cemetaries that allow for the adherence of these many specifications. Graves markers are very simple, because outwardly lavish displays are discourages in the Muslim faith. They believe that money spent on things like that would be better spent on helping the poor, etc. Many times graves may even be unmarked, or marked only with a simple wreath. However, it is becoming more and more common for family members to erect grave monuments.


Only men are allowed to attend the actual graveside service. The body is laid on its right side, with the head facing Mecca, and the shroud is removed from the face. Those present at the grave each take their turn in pouring three handfuls of soil into the grave while reciting "We created you from it, and return you into it, and from it we will raise you a second time", surah 20:55 from the Qur'an. More prayers are then said, asking for forgiveness of the deceased, and reminding the dead of his or her profession of faith.


Important people of faith, (saints, etc), are often memorialized by covering the grave with a small dome structure called a makaam. Mosques may even be built around the graves, which then become places of pilgrimages to those who practice the faith of the Wahabi sect of Muslim."



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As far as I know, cremation is best as you can do whatever you like with the ashes.

My uncle was spread up the M1 some years ago as he was a trucker. My ashes are to be mixed with Portland cement and fashioned into a garden gnome with a fishing pole, the colours are up to my daughter to decide upon.

Also, if a priest or vicar comes within two miles of my funeral they are cursed to forever suffer the farmers.

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there are already several islamic graves - in Patrick - of those who died at the WW1 camp - see www.manxnotebook,com/mquart/mq26196.htm and also the following quote re graves - At the burials during the Great War, the Turkish internees wanted their fellow countrymen buried according to their religious practice, that was,with the coffins standing vertically. But the Church Authorities would not allow this. A compromise was reached that the head of each coffin be raised on bricks. After the grave was opened, the whole area had to be cleansed with water. This was done because the gravedigger was of the Christian faith and therefore in their eyes an infidel.


Re Christian graves - these are usually aligned EW with the feet towards the east so that at the last trump they shall arise to face Jersulaem !

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