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[BBC News] Mosquito device to target vandals


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I'm sure one of them thingies was already installed somewhere in the past - Broadway if I remember it right - and was rather quickly..ahem.."removed"


Another attempt to tackle the problem, but not the cause...

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I'm sure one of them thingies was already installed somewhere in the past - Broadway if I remember it right - and was rather quickly..ahem.."removed"


Another attempt to tackle the problem, but not the cause...


If I remember correctly, the use of this device was discontinued in the UK due to fears that it may be an "Infringement of human rights".

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So anyone under the age of 24 is gonna be bothered by this? As Anti-social behaviour goes I'd rank making a high pitch annoying noise constantly up with vandalism, hypocritical fucks.

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Moving the problem from one place to another is hardly a solution. As Amadeus said, trying to tackle the problem without taking account of the cause.


Clarity at last.


Where on earth do they expect these kids to move on to?


Will they then put some stupid machine up there to?

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One of the big points during the elections was the need for a proper youth centre, and at least in south, all candidates agreed on that - maybe it's time to remind them and get something moving. If we can spend 12 million on the wedding cake, surely we can spend a bit on a proper place for them, especially as - if done right - it could be a lot more than just a warm place to hang out.


Just putting up what is effectively a torture device and hoping the problem moves away borders on the unbelievable.

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