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Drink Drive Policeman...


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... he had also been accused of failing to stop and report an accident. However, these charges were marked dismissed and no evidence offered.


Moffat was arrested at 7.20am on 29th November after a minor road accident in Andreas.


His damaged car had been found abandoned on Bride Road an hour earlier.


The court heard the defendant had been drinking in Ramsey the night before and had slept in his car until he felt fit to drive.


High Bailiff Michael Moyle gave the policeman full credit for his honesty and co-operation.


Have I got the Energy report right?


He slept in a car until he felt fit to drive, but it mysteriously crashed, then he was found an hour later and arrested.


Surely they've got the report wrong? Is this an official press release. Surely not.

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To the people saying he should've been sacked/asked to resign - isn't it still innocent until proven guilty? Until he was convicted he wasn't actually found 'guilty' of anything, so they wouldn't have sacked him or asked him to resign.


It may be more interesting now that he has been convicted *shrugs*

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To the people saying he should've been sacked/asked to resign - isn't it still innocent until proven guilty? Until he was convicted he wasn't actually found 'guilty' of anything, so they wouldn't have sacked him or asked him to resign.


It may be more interesting now that he has been convicted *shrugs*

Wasn't he suspended pending the outcome of the case? That should have been the correct course of action.

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Send him down or at least sack him, crooked cops is one thing we want less/none of. I will happily stand up and be counted on this subject. He is an upholder of the law, the whole Animal Farm way that the Isle of Man is run has to stop, we are all equal in the eyes of the (moyle) law, and should be treated as such. If this guy had mowed down a child on his escapades then would he have been sacked then? A few grammes of crack under his seat? Where do we draw the line and say enough is enough?


Now, I am not saying that the conversation went like this


"Don't worry Sonny, we know you are a good cop as your father/Uncle/Mate (funny left handed hand shake later) said so."


But I sure as hell am thinking it.

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I very much doubt the police would employ a man who had recently been convicted of 'drink driving'. It seems illogical to me, that a man already working within the force, should be treated any different.


A police officer must set a standard and follow the law. Imagine if this practice became common place, and some months in the future, we had 5 or 6 police officers with recent records of drink driving! (yet all still kept their job). What kind of message do you think that would send out to the public?


This case is just one police officer, and so it may seem a 'one off'. BUT... should he keep his job, and then the incident be repeated by another, the police would have to treat him the same. Then we have 2 police officers.... but it goes on, another police officer, and another... well i think you get it.


A police officer who breaks the law with something as serious as 'drink driving' should not keep his/her job. That's my opinion! And IF he does.... i'd have to question the integrity of the whole police force.

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And IF he does.... i'd have to question the integrity of the whole police force.


That's absurd. It's like saying if one person where you work steals something you're all thieves.


It would be the decisions of his superiors if anything that would be brought into question surely?

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Indeed, a precident has now been set. One that can be used not just by policemen, but even privately employed drink drivers. If for instance I was done for drink driving under similar circumstances, and my boss sacked me, would I be able to take to a tribunal stating that PC Boozecruiser was convicted of the same offence, and skipped jail time or job loss? Does this work in front of our illustrious judiciuary? Sorry Mr Moyles, you cant send me down as you didnt send him down for exactly the same offence.


The Isle of Man needs a clean slate, a total cleaning of house in the justice department. I know magistrates who are good honest people and would not bend rules to suit their social standings. Not saying that the current heirachy do of course...


(But I am thinking it)

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